THE CARIBBEAN VACATION The flight was smooth as was the landing. You’ve been thinking about this much needed vacation for a while now. We’ve decided to meet down here in St. Thomas. You look around for me briefly before heading over to the baggage claim area. I can see you; I’m just out of your line of vision. I can see the anticipation, apprehension and longing on your face. I smile at what I have planned for you, for us. Just then an island man walks up to you as you’re getting your bags. He tells you that a car has been provided for you to take you to the hote Read more
Patty's Apartment: Watching Men in Khaki'
Patty’s Apartment Well after what happened at work the other day between Kyle, his supervisor and I. I’ve decided that I want more. So I invited him over for some appetizers and drinks and he agreed to come over. He said we’d have to maintain a more professional environment at work because we could both lose our jobs. Especially not knowing when or if his bitch of a supervisor would run her mouth again or get a bug up her ass about something and turn the heat up on both of us; Although it would incriminate her ass in the process. That night I wore my tight valor Read more
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14 years ago