Last seen 1 year ago
Porn Lover
4695 days on xHamster
12.1K profile views
381 subscribers
58 comments left
Personal information
About me
People see what they want to see. But I'm not judging anyone by looking. I'm master on emotions, feelings, passion. If you want to reach sensetive points, you are looking for the right place, right person.
I have visited many countries, many ladies. I have lived a lot so far. I keep travelling and if you need a short fling, let me know ;)
I have visited many countries, many ladies. I have lived a lot so far. I keep travelling and if you need a short fling, let me know ;)
Friends 3836
Dankjewel voor je interesse, mr ik aanvaard pas vriendschappen als er een klikt blijkt te zijn en we dus al meerdere gesprekken hebben gehad. Mr momenteel ben ik niet op zoek naar nieuwe contacten.
Ik aanvaard sowieso geen vriendschapsverzoeken van mensen met een recent profiel, mensen jonger dan 30 jaar of van mensen die ik niet al geruimere tijd ken. Voor meer informatie, lees mijn profiel, aub.Dankjewel voor je begrip en interesse!
Veel plezier hier op XH! Xxx
Thank you, for the friendrequest. I'm not interested, 'cause you don't speak Dutch. I prefer to talk in my own language, so I can express myself better.
And I also accept only friendrequests from people, who I know for a little while.
many thanks for your invitation which I gladly accept.
If you like my videos & pictures I warmly invite you to visit my website:
Just click the link to my website which is displayed on my profile or click the banner which is below my videos.
There are some hundreds of my amateur videos. Also I got some horny girl friends who are in some of these clips as well. Here at xHamster I will show only a few of my videos to introduce myself and to promote my website.
Kisses Tekohas
p.s. what university did you do your masters at ?
good luck