Bisexual men...

D: I don't know... im so stressed... im... D.: Stressed Mark: Stress? Why? D: I don't know D: I have a girlfriend... that's why the stress D: Get it? Mark: Ah yeah I get it Mark: So you can't make it tonight? D: No she's at home... Mark: Toss her out the window D: Yesss :)… Read more

Posted by mark-71 7 years ago

Kids these days...

Me: How's you then? Calfornian tosspot? Me: Talk already bitch Him: Thank God you just reminded me to take my meds Me: You have a smartphone bitch. It's not just for sharing nudies. Set a daily recurring notification… Read more

Posted by mark-71 7 years ago

Shortest fairytale ever

Once upon a time... ...There was a boy who asked this girl to marry him. The girl said no. And the boy lived happily ever after.… Read more

Posted by mark-71 8 years ago 2