It was the mid 60's, I was about four and ten at the time and we lived in a cottage in Sussex. My dad worked away a lot and this particular night it was bitterly cold. I slept in a small bedroom next to my m*m and d*ds room. So I went up to bed at about 9.30 and found that my bed was wet. Looking up I could see a drip hanging on the ceiling. I called my m*m and it seems the tank in the loft was leaking slightly. Not enough to cause a flood but it made my sheets and mattress damp to touch. So with no other bed available I had to sleep in my mum's bed. No problem really seeing as my d*d was aw Read more
Surprised To See Me.
Surprised to see me This is a true story I posted elsewhere some time ago and I thought I would share it. Late 1970's / early 80's and I was working in the North of England. My job took me around all over the place and I would have to visit various building projects for the company I worked for. I was late 20's , married , and had been interested in wanking and occasionally cock sucking for a few years. For me it was mostly a bit of mutual wanking. I liked the idea of sucking but apart from once, had never summoned up the courage to do it. This particular day the job I had to go and look Read more
Trip of a Lifetime
Trip of a lifetime I moved north when I was 22 (40 years ago )and every other weekend or so I would catch a coach back down to London to see my girlfriend and my family. One hot summers afternoon I boarded the coach coming back north and sat towards the back. It wasn't busy, in fact out of maybe 50 seats there were no more than 15 people aboard. Opposite me and slightly in front were an older could probably late 50's early 60's. He was sat by the window and she was sitting in the aisle seat and were the only people towards the back of the coach. It was a long hot journey and I couldn't help b Read more
Bus Home
Bus Home After getting married at 22 I moved out of London into the sticks and to my first teaching job, at a secondary school in Devon. Not able to afford a car I had to get the bus from my village to the school. In fact it worked out pretty well because the bus I would catch in the mornings took me into the local town where at the bus station it became the school bus which would drop me right at the doors of where I worked. After school at 3pm the same situation occurred in reverse. The school bus became a regular service and I could stay on the bus until my village. The only draw back was Read more
Early morning fun
Some years ago around 7.30am on a summer's morning I was travelling out towards Ilkley from Leeds. Passing through a little village I stopped off in the car park to use some small toilets there. I had had some fun there once or twice before . As I parked up I noticed a van parked close to the toilet block and thought maybe I would be in luck. Got round to the door to find some tape hanging off the door and a sign saying 'Painting in progress' A little disappointed I nevertheless brushed passed the tape and went in. A guy about 40ish in white painters overalls was working and he turned to look Read more