What is the definition of "making love"? Something a woman does while a guy is fucking her. Read more
Annoy your girlfriend
How do you annoy your girlfriend during sex? Call her on your cell phone and let her listen to you fucking her mom. Read more
Women's guts
Why don't women's guts fall out of their cunts? Because of the vacuum in their heads. Read more
Slightly smarter than cows
Why do women need to be slightly smarter than cows? So they won't shit on the floor when you pull on their tits. Read more
A bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken
What does a woman have in common with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken? When you’re done with the thighs and breasts, you've got a greasy box to stick your bone in. Read more
More attractive
What does a woman put behind her ears to make her more attractive? Her ankles. Read more
High sperm count
How can you tell if you have a high sperm count? She has to chew before she can swallow. Read more
Why do women have foreheads when they don't have brains? So we have a place to kiss them after they suck our cocks. Read more
Why do women have legs? 1: So they don't get suction-cupped to their seats. 2: So they can walk between the bedroom and the kitchen. 3: So they don't leave snail trails. Read more
7 tiny little dents
What is red and has 7 tiny little dents in it? Snow White’s cherry. Read more
Like a computer
How is a woman like a computer? You don't really appreciate them until they go down on you. Read more
A woman
What is a woman? A life support system for a vagina. Read more
Like bowling balls
How are women like bowling balls? You finger them and throw 'em in the gutter, and they keep coming back for more. Read more
When a woman is about to say something smart
How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart? She starts with "A man once told me..." Read more
Shopping carts
Why were shopping carts invented? To teach women to walk on their hind legs. Read more
Anal sex
What are the three reasons anal sex is better? It's warmer, it's tighter and it's more degrading to women. Read more
Dumb ass ugly bitch
How can you tell if a woman is a dumb ass ugly bitch? They all are. Read more
Hard for women to take a piss
Why is it so hard for women to take a piss in the morning? Ever try to peel apart a grilled cheese sandwich? Read more
Change a light bulb
How many men does it take to change a light bulb? None, let the bitch do the dishes in the dark. Read more