I do not remember the day she came too me , the important thing is that she FOUND ME; i saw for that first time and looked into her beautiful eyes and your gorgeous face and she told me I was beautiful at that moment for me the Earth stopped spinning time slowed to a crawl my entire entire world which was being in a dark room lit up. I couldn’t believe that this beautiful woman wanted me. The only thing I can think of was. OMFG after we stopped chatting that very first time. They were just so many things that we have in common , soccer, educated at well-known universities, but most important a… Read more
One Year
Amazing. I just completed a year here on this site. Never would I have thought that I would still be here in this place that has provided me with absolute joy and the horrible feeling of emptiness and loneliness. I have met so many souls here some that have been beacons of light for me I cannot name them all but Laura (XXAural), Alex, Mica,Emy, Terri, Maria CM, Asher (who is a special friend) , Mistress Heidi,Suzan, Ursala, cookie, Veronica, Nymphogrl (miss you) . And most importantly Marina who is always there for me and talk me out, deleting my account on several occasions when I became depr… Read more
A Rainbow
Only nine days left for my year here is up once again. I lose another romance to abandonment. Oh well. It’s summer now in Texas, unforgiven hot arid, and unproductive kind of like my live life, except for the hot part , but the one thing about here in Texas if you wait around long enough, the weather can change in a hurry relief can come down doesn’t You just have to not be discouraged and have hope. The rain came the thunder roared , lightning crashed the air cooled , and there she was smiling, and hopeful only wanted my heart , and whispering to that soon hers would belong to me . What a cha… Read more
The One
One morning last January, I was looking friend request personal messages and popped up iMessage with a strange name on it. I opened it up and dropped everything. I had my hands and the picture of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve never seen anything like her before, my heart skipped four months later. I finally have her back. This day I have never seen anything more gorgeous in my life and beautiful inside and out. Elham (Eli) what is the woman that always been looking for and I didn’t realize it or appreciate it so I went out and fell in love with superficial women abou… Read more
The end is really a new beginning
Today is my 314 day, 51 * to go and it will be delete day. Here in this place where I have found love, happiness, friendship, sex (of course) humor, laughter, but also pain, anguish, disappointment, abuse, betrayal and humiliation. Although this is a fantasy place there have been many real people here for better or worse. Then appears a hope , an open heart and a soul that matches mine in a very special way. Maybe an ending is really a new beginning! *אני אוהב אותך אביילה, את נותנת לי תקווה אני רוצה להצטרף לרוחי ולנשמתי שלך. אריאלה… Read more
Sunshine and Starlight
Now at the end of fifteen long months I found the woman of my dreams. She was there all along. She makes my. Days brighter and the stars twinkle for me. My heart so badly damaged on New Year’s Day is fully healed. Viktoria with you in my life the possibilities are infinite. I love you so.… Read more
Submissive Slut and Darkness
I still am a submissive slut. It’s also a nymphomaniac, but I am the darkness you’ll see me, you will desire me, but I will haunt your thoughts when we’re done. Then you will follow me into the Darkness forever seeking both pain and pleasure; but as my dark nature, I will be seducing the next.… Read more
Lightning strike
Couple days ago by lightning her name was Anmelly She was the woman I have been looking for all my adult life everything about her is what I imagined, and never found before her We are bound together in so many ways Dear, I am so happy we found each other?❤️I then lost her days later because I am a fool she was simply too good a woman an human being for an idiot like me.… Read more