Considering Potential Regular Hookups

I've never before even considered the possibility of meeting anyone from xH in person, let alone for sex, but sexual frustration will do that to you. Don't get me wrong, the sex with my current hookup is amazing... I'm just lucky to get it as much as twice a month, if that. I honestly think his sex drive is just ridiculous low. I'm basically begging for it but I'm only getting it when it's convenient for him. And I'm so frustrated! I can't stand it anymore. Is it too much to ask to be fucked more than twice a month?! I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect to have sex at least twice a week… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 11 years ago 24

Friend Requests Without Photos Now Declined

Because my friend requests spiked to over 2200 this week, and I don't have nearly enough time in a day to go through and visit everyone's profile in search of photos and to know more about you, I'm no longer going to do that if you don't at the very least have an avatar (hopefully displaying you) or sent me a private message (and I don't mean one line asking me to cam). So to recap, if you don't have an avatar, have a blank profile, or have not sent me a genuine message, I'm forced to automatically decline your friend request. Sorry it has to be like that, but I'm really busy and I thin… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 13 years ago 5

People Trashing My Profile

As some of you might have noticed, there have been two instances today of someone pretty extensively trashing my profile, one by a black man, and another by an anonymous female. Among other things, the man called me a bitch and accused me of not liking black men because my father must of ****d me, while the woman posted insults on my photos and warned me to stay away from her husband. Also in the woman's case, her profile was solely created as a vehicle to defile mine, and she preemptively blocked me and any response I may have to her hate. I'm not sure if they were really the same person b… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 13 years ago 19

Random Fact of the Day :D

So I've decided that the little status area on my page should be put to better use, and I'm starting what I like to call 'Random Fact of the Day'. I'll share one random, true thing about myself each day in my status. That way you can get to know me better, and I encourage you to share one random fact about yourself in return. Sounds like fun, right? :P If you missed it, the first one is- My nose is pierced, but I don't usually wear the stud :)… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 13 years ago 1

Time for new photos?

Are you guys bored yet with the photos up? Do you want to see some new ones? Because I'm thinking it might be time for me to post the Suit Up set. What do you think?… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 13 years ago 12

New photos! Any requests?!

I think it's pretty obvious that I kind of love taking photos of myself and posting them here. It's really fun and I get to show off my lace :D I took a whole bunch more today, in 2 new "outfits" and I'm trying to decide whether or not I should post them right away or make you guys wait a little while ;) After all, you seem to be enjoying the 30+ photos I posted a few days ago just fine :) Or, I could just post them one group at a time. Now that sounds like an idea. So here's what we're going to do, I think. I'll give you guys a choice on which ones you want to see first. A) Summ… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 13 years ago 16

Thanks for the warm welcome, boys!

I just joined Xhamster officially 2 days ago and the welcoming response to my profile and photos has been so amazing, and flattering, and wonderful! And overwhelming! For the last year, I have been an active Xtube member, and when I first joined there, the response was nothing like this. I currently have 132 private messages and 382 friend requests. Just, wow! I never, ever expected a welcome like this. I haven't been entirely successful in getting white men's attention where I live in the US, so never in a million years did I think that all of you would be so interested. Thank you, so… Read more

Posted by luckyou88 13 years ago 3