Just when everything seemed to be going so well, I've learned that my boss has gone back to his wife. I don't know how I'm going to handle this.....should I submit and share him, or should I show how him angry I am.....I really don't know. You see, he still seems to be very interested in me, and was trying to finger my bottom at work this morning .... just as if nothing had happened. But I really thought that I had a chance with him. A proper chance. I don't want to be used as a plaything when his wife "...doesn't feel like it." Read more
My prayer answered
Oh! I'm so happy. When I was having sex tonight, I felt different and knew that my period had arrived. I really thought I was going to be pregnant....thanks to everyone who showed concern. Read more
I Won't Complain Again
I used to always complain about my period. It was uncomfortable. The days immediately before, when I was in "heat", were also difficult before I got a regular boyfriend to satisfy me. But now I'm three days late, and I'm worried.... I've promised in my prayer that I'll never complain again. All I want now is my period to start. I keep trying to think back when it might have been - Valentine's Day seems the most likely - and now Edelita tells me that I should have taken the pill for a few weeks before stopping using kondom. Now she tells me!! Read more
Diary Update! Apologies!
Sorry for the delay in posting an update on what I've been up to....I've just got out of bed to write this, and "sir" wants me to go right back there. When I've satisfied him, I promise I'll get the post done. Read more
I'm Back....
.....but still feeling as horny as ever, even though we did it three times. When will I get over this feeling? Read more
I've told him I'm going! We leave at 1pm tomorrow (Friday). He's taking me in his SUV. Read more
A friend of mine has advised me to go away with my boss. He's about 48, and he's asked me to go away for the weekend to another store to help him do 'stocktaking'. I'm excited because I'm sure he wants to get my panti down and it's coming up to the time - usually around the 20th of the month - when I'm in heat - ahead of my period. Read more
Update: Valentine's Day
Thank goodness for person who invented the contraceptive pill. I'll write my story about how my day went later. Read more
Update: Valentine's Day Eve
It's Valentine's Day tomorrow. I hope he gives me something very special. I really can't get enough of it now..... Read more