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Posted by lj91 8 years ago 28

La prima volta che Marc incontrò Florian

Quest non è un mio Post. Questa storia l'ha scritta una meravigliosa persona che non c'è più. E' stata scritta in inglese, poi tradotta da due suoi amici in tedesco e in francese. Robin non è più fra noi da un anno esatto. Questo è il mio omaggio a lui. Grazie Robin per avere fatto del Mondo un posto migliore! This is not a Post of mine. This Story was written by a wonderful human being who passed away just a year ago. It was written in English, then two friends of his translated it into German and into French. This translation is my homage to him. Thanks Robin for making the World a… Read more

Posted by gurunguru 8 years ago 2

Quand Marc rencontra Florian.

Quand Florian rencontra Marc Traduction en français de “ When Marc first met Florian” written by rjo91 et ... Première partie: La rencontre Il était tard, presque 10 heures ce samedi lorsque Florian décida de sortir. Un chaude soirée d'été, un tee-shirt gris, un jean taille basse bleu clair et une paire de baskets était suffisants. Il faisait encore très chaud. Ayant pour but le bar gay qu'il fréquentait, il ne faisait que marcher tranquillement sur la rue encore animée, les mains dans les poches de son jean. Il ne pensait pas vraiment à quelque chose de particu… Read more

Posted by penntoull 10 years ago 10

Robin Gets Punished

See AUTHORS NOTE. This story was written as a sequel to the story 'The Sergeant' linked to above originally written by user rjo91 who has unfortunately deleted the story. ---------------------------------------- I was not happy at all when I put down the telephone after receiving the call from my friend ‘The Sergeant’. I had thought that I was doing them both a favour introducing them to each other, but now it seemed that ‘The Sergeant’ had not been happy at all with the boy and it was all somehow being made out to be my fault. That was certain… Read more

Posted by benlad00 9 years ago 9