J has just informed me that she will be in full domme gear tonight, and I have just been locked into my small cock cage. The cane has appeared downstairs from the bedroom. Looks like I will be getting some Sunday punishment. To be fair, seeing J in her heels and basque will make it all worthwhile... Read more
Have not posted for a while, not because nothing is happening, but life has been keeping me busy. Just thought I'd report in that I still spend several days at a time in chastity, though J does release me so I can wash properly. She allowed me to wank on Friday, after giving her a good licking and sucking. It has been over a week since she last used the cane on me, so I am sure I shall be getting the benefit of thst soon, as I must have racked up several misdemeanours by now. We shall see. Read more
New cage
J has me in a new and I thought kinder cage, kinder because it is bigger. Then she pushed her shaved push into my face for 15 minutes. With her taste and aroma, my cock went through sheer hell. Read more
Free again!
Actually got to do some proper fucking last night. I was released form chastity in time for a nice warm bath, followed by a prolonged lovemaking session. I was fully expecting to be locked away again afterwards, but no. I was still free this morning, so another fuck wason the cards, and I'm still unlocked! Not sure how long this mood will last, but hoping it it does! Read more
Brief release
I was allowed out of my chastity device this morning after nearly a week of celibacy. J decided it was time for me to have a good wash around my genitals; although I have bathed and showered regularly whilst wearing it, I was aware of some slight creeping discomfort in the area and, as J rightly observed, if I was not circumcised then the need for a wash would have been even greater! Anyway, I showered, then J gently washed around my cock and balls, then shaved me smooth. Then she gave me a lovely wet hand job, observing how much cum I had for her after a week. Another clean up then, after my Read more
Back again
Just back from a week away in the wilds of northern England. Have been informed of my misdemeanours during that time, so it looks like bath time tonight will be followed by a bare bottom caning. Quite likely the full dozen, I think. Hope J dresses for it, at least the with This compensation for having my bottom striped. Read more
Photos coming.
Cane still on hook behind bedroom door, so no new stripes to report. However, J has taken delivery of some very sexy new shoes; black patent, 6 inch heels, ankle strap court shoes. I am sure I shall be commanded to photograph her in them very soon, so I hope to share the sight of her fabulous legs with you very soon... Read more
And again
Another caning for me this morning, which I certainly deserved. Whilst doing a job in the house yesterday I mad a mistake which very nearly resulted in a flood and a lot of damage. My Mistress did nothinbg at the time, but this morning carried the cane into the bedroom and administered a very hard 12 strokes to my bare bottom, applied slowly with enough time between strokes for the pain to sink in fully. For a lady who claims never to have used a cane before our relationship started, she is becomoing skilled it its use very quickly... Read more
A new start
Two weeks now since I moved to make a home with my wonderful 61 year old sex goddess. Time enough to settle, so today is my first day locked into my chastity cage as a sign of my acceptance of my new role. I knew this would happen, after she caned me, lovingly but firmly, this morning... Read more