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Most people have never even heard of the term cognitive dissonance, even fewer understand what it means, and an infinitesimally smaller number of people can recognize the behavior in others. Ironically, no one can identify the behavior in themselves. The mind is truly fascinating and its propensity and ability to protect the person who houses it … remarkable. Cognitive dissonance is what happens when the mind encounters something that contradicts a person’s core beliefs, beliefs held so strongly, so deeply, rooted in the person’s subconscious mind that the person can literally not understand,… Read more

Posted by LaMaCiN 10 years ago 3

Black woman1

If there was some sort of balance in the depiction of Black women on TV I wouldn’t take so much issue with the CRAP that is on TV. There is NO balance. There are NO examples of Black women on TV who are not immoral, immature, superficial, ghetto, materialistic, and stank. I think the thing that hurts me soooo much is that Black women not only don’t care that there are no positive depictions of Black women on TV or in the media, but they want to emulate these “women” as if they are the ideal. They want to be like Mary Jane and all those Basketball wives and Housewives who do nothing domestic wh… Read more

Posted by LaMaCiN 10 years ago

White girls

I Love Feeling a Woman’s Spinscter Muscle Squeeze The Head of My Dick as I Slowly Push into That Tight, Warm Tunnel of Sweet Resistance and Begin a Ever Faster Thrusting into Her Wonderful Bottom and Then, Blow a Load of Hot, Black Sperm into Her Bowels and Listen To Her Moan, Cry and Cum at the Same Time and Then Push Her Spent Asshole Back Onto My Happy Black Dick ! Yes, I Do Love Fucking White Women’s Assholes !… Read more

Posted by LaMaCiN 10 years ago 6