here are some random encounter at my fav pensione *** One time, he just arrived and groomed himself in the lavatory. With some eye contacts, I followed him to his room and sucked him dry. He thick facial hair that made me even more horny. He had a nice bod and soem bulgy eyes that made him look like a foreigner. *** Another is one whom I didn't give much though when I saw him arrive late that night since he was with a male companion. He too had great facial hair. Nothing much that evening since I think he retired to bed early. As I woke up early that following morning around 6, after hav Read more
Encounters 1
DAD BOD I am back in my favorite hostel and had an encounter with a dad. Our eyes met during one of my late night walks as he just arrived. But I was skeptical since he he looked like a thug - with allv those tattooes so I just didn't follow up the "stares" but still was hoping. As I was brushing my teeth in the lavatory, he suddenly appeared and he didn't hide the fact that he wanted it too. But I kept him waiting and he just did that. I went into one of the toilet&bathrooms but never closed the door eyeing him on the mirror outside, when I sensed he will check me out inside, I positioned my Read more
Hot 22 year old Cebuano dick
Cruising my favorite mall in Cebu surprised me with the 22-year old Cebuano who deliberately caught my attention. He looked at me many times on his way to the 2nd floor CR as if inviting me to follow him which I did. Inside he was already positioned in the center urinal of the 3 choices - so I really had to be beside him. Then I was amazed with his dick which was semi erect and told him to transfer to the 4th floor which was more deserted of the mall. Taking the elevator, we were dismayed that the janitress was cleaning it - so we had to transfer to another. My mistake was I also foll Read more
Timing is everything
I am back fresh my travels down south and it turns out that the hotel I frequent is having a renovation. And that includes repainting of its facade. Now that really excited me! But when I got to my room, they've already finished my window so no chance of the painters to be at my window. So I just went to my favorite cruising place and the moment I went in, I noticed a prospect standing. But there was a commotion of some sorts and he was looking at the men doing that. I had my place at the urinal also looking at the commotion but actually waiting for my prospect to join me which he did after Read more
In the nick of time
I just got back from a trip down south where I stayed at a pension. It was already check out time when I went to brush my teeth in the communal toilet and bath area. As I got there there was this guy who was washing his face, probably checking out too. I took my place in a sink beside him, it was then i noticed how good looking he was - clean cut hair, muscular (he was half-naked) and one hell of a hairy chest - it was sort of the clean and neat kind. And I thought I was the only one giving him a 2nd, 3rd, etc look admiring his body... But it seems he also was taking cue he was being adm Read more