This is a follow on story (True). I had a text off Michelle saying she would love to have a gangbang and could I sort it out.of course I said yes.I asked how many she wanted and what she wanted and we settled on 8 and she was not bothered about age or race. So I went to work all the men I got were off swingingheaven,we arranged a date and that was it.I picked her up from work and we drove home,she went upstairs and got ready,we arranged for 7pm so we sat had a drink and waited,1 by 1 they arrived,I could tell by her face that there was 1 she didnt like but to late now.We all sat and chat Read more
Starting from today I will be posting a ''question of the day'' just for a bit of fun. 1st question is-How many of you have ever taken cock in the arse (both male and female) if so did you take cum in there. Our answer is both of us and yes we both got filled with cum. Thanks for all your answers. 2nd question-How many of you have been dogging,we have but only me (Kev) as played with strangers male and female. 3rd-Sex clubs,how many have been to any and if so what happened,I have but not my wife,went with 2 other women and it was awsome. No more questions as I am not getting Read more
I dropped my wife off at work last night and when I was going home I decided to visit a local dogging site.I sat there for a while and the car park was empty so I decided to leave just as I was leaving a car pulled up,the normal thing happened just sat there and nothing,then he moved his car closer and walked into the woods.I followed it was realy dark and could not see then I heard him so went over he got my cock out and started to wank me I was feeling his through his shorts,he dropped to his knees and started to suck me,he was good felt so good.I wanted his in my mouth but as soon as I trie Read more
Off to Morocco today,lots of new bikini's and underwear packed (will post pics).Hoping to do lots of fucking and will try to get her to flirt and hopefully fuck another guy/girl,would love to see her full of cum.Will update when we return :-) Read more
Selling my underwear.
Selling my underwear,worn until nice and wet.Requests taken,UK only Read more