So here I am sitting here with a broken heart and a crushed spirit! Why you may ask yourself? Because I chose to trust yet one more straight man and listen to all of the little untruths that spew from his mouth! Too bad I'm already in love with him! So much so that when all of his stories began to unravel and he desperately needed a place to stay I convinced myself that this is the one!! Of course it wasn't so I have to be the most hard headed and stupid person to ever live! A straight guy will let you suck him off!!! But you can never get one to be in a relationship!! Bottom line!! Read more
Straight guys?
To continue with this hidden cam drama,if you have my cock in your mouth and you are looking directly into the camera addressing our potential viewers and saying hi,well,that is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that you knew we were filming! So don't ask me if we can make a movie,because my answer will be yes!And definitely don't say I can post it because I will! I would rather not even have posted these vids for real,only to have to remove them after you come down from your high! Read more
What's with you straight guys?
Hey everyone! So what the fuck? I just want everyone on here to know that I DO NOT shoot video of anyone without their knowledge! These straight boys that I hook up with are all wanting the same thing and that's a speed high and mind blowing sex with another guy! I happen to be in a position to offer both of them to each one of my buddies! And for you to call me after the fact and accuse me of doing this behind your back then watch the videos and it is clear you knew about them from the start! Read more
Will I forever be a newbie?
So I am wondering how I can rank up from newbie to,well,anything else? I mean I have posted numerous videos and my profile is 100% finished! Does anyone have the answer to this question? Hate being the newbie!! Read more
A new leaf!
Well I can't seem to find a guy that likes to get freaky on camera and be in a relationship. Is it that hard to have a steady fella and be a freak in the bedroom? Surely there are some guys in my area that want the same thing,it is after all a great big world with all kinds of people in it! Read more
How stupid am I?
Been seeing this guy that is just discovering that he is gay.We had a few disagreements in the short 6 weeks we were fucking like bunnies!Then we decide we are going to try to make it work! That night was the best night ever ending with him saying the L word to me! The next day he won't answer the phone,so I text him and he sends one back that says you are dead to me don't call don't text!! The next day I get a call from the guy that was making movies with me to leave Rick alone that they were together now!! After arguing and fighting with him through e.mails and texts I decided that I was bet Read more
Considering A Website!
Here I am falling deeper and deeper into this Homemade Amateur world of porn!I really enjoy making them and I have persuaded, seduced,(whichever you prefer),enough straight dudes into dropping their pants for me that I would love to try and start a website! But are there too many "I sucked off a straight guy "sites already? Like a little feedback from you guys and I love every one of you!! My wonderful sexually charged friends! Read more
Well I have to say that after celtic fucked me around and then wanted our movies pulled I was more than a little irritated!! Then I met this hot ass dude and he was down for making a video! So if everyone keeps up the great comments and awesome approval rating I could more than likely convince him to do many more!! And thanks to all of my Hamster buddies for the great feedback! Read more
A new guy!
So I have a new guy to make my videos with,HOPE YOU ENJOY! Read more
Relaxed and comfortable!
When I first decided to begin posting my videos I was a little uncomfortable about how my body shape would effect how many viewers would request my friendship. After I posted the first one it wasn't 6 hours before the positive feedback began coming in. Then of course the requests for friendship. So all I really want to say to all of my fellow porn lovers on this great site is THANK YOU!!! Because of you all I am now more relaxed and comfortable about myself and my videos!! Peace to all of you! Read more