Katie's tips for better jerk-off pics and Vid

When I expressed disappointment at the vids and pics one of my men friends showed me, he said he was sorry, he didn't really know what women wanted. Of course I can only speak for myself' as a mature bisexual woman with a broad (that’s the right word) experience of men and their appendages. I have 3iscussed this with a few other women, and there seems to be a bit of a consensus, so here goes. 1. Whether it’s video or a pic, we don't need to see the whole of your organ filling the frame. Really, erect cocks all look pretty much the same in close-up. Show us a bit more of the man att… Read more

Posted by Katie_tt 9 years ago 11

If you want to be my "friend"

I just cleared all my friends requests. There were just too many. If you want to be my friend, please read my profile and stories and send me a message with some reasonably intelligent comments. I like erotic chat but it has to be more than "I rammed my cock rammed into cunt". If your profile pic is the hamster, don't bother.… Read more

Posted by Katie_tt 9 years ago