Lol, mostly only to guys. Most of us gurls don't really care. Spent the other day pleasing a 'friend'. Not sure he enjoyed himself as he seemed so self conscience. #stopworryingabouthowmuchyoudonthave #beworriedaboutmakingwhatyoudohavework #smallonesneedlovetoo Read more
Just so there's no confusion...
and, in the interest of total disclosure please find my testimony attached. #facts #noliesdetected Read more
MondayMotivation Morning Stretch
Hello boys Hope this Monday finds everyone very well. #feet&toes #legsfordays #gurlbulge #tummy #smalltits Read more
'Moan-day Moan-avation'
Like the title says here's a little something to help you get your week started!! #ssstretching #gurlbulge #tittyhardon #hairypits #WHEREYOUSTARTING?? Read more
He said he was into feet...he didn't disappo
I absolutely love guys who are into feet, esp mine, lol. Even moreso when they go out of their way to prove it with unrestrained worship #biggurlfeet #soles&toes Read more
Because some of you have asked
Many of you have asked whether or not I have/ or would sleep with a black guy....!?!?!? I have / do sleep with black guys, but not exclusively, not because they're black. It is def part of me that I sleep with guys that interest me regardless of race, etc. With all that said, hope you enjoy this treat...I know I did, lol!! Read more
Your freind is cute, too!!
Met a guy and his friend this past weekend, I was more than happy to accommodate both. Was a bit weird for the friend at first, but after we partied some he loosened up, lol. He was glad he did, lol. #Winsallaround #Therestwoofyou #Oknoproblem #Ihavetwohands #pantiebulge #prettyinpink Read more
I don't often enjoy getting set up with people by my friends, but this time it was all systems go!! My friend Kara called me to get together for coffee and meet her friend Devon. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement, lol...!!! We had a blast at coffee, Kara excused herself about half way through. You can usually tell when meeting someone the first time, and there were def a few sparks there. So, we set up a more official 'date' that involved a light dinner and a movie. We saw Mission Impossible 6 (we held hands during the film) it was really good, too...!!! I had little doubt that Read more
Good Morning
Just a little Monday Motivation with a rare full size (albeit slightly censored) as I' feeling a bit cheeky today. New set of matching bra & panties soon to be separated from one another forever, lol #Itsgonnabeagoodday Read more
Better weather
Finally getting some better weather and I'm here for it!! A 'friend' and I headed down to the MetroParks for a bit of fun, lol #naughtyinnature Read more
Yep, even the small ones need love too...
Never let it be said that I'm a 'cock snob'. Nope, I'm a lover of all things penis regardless of shape, size, color, cut. From peachy-pink peens to impressive mahagony monsters, they all need and deserve some love, lol. Now, i don't think I'd go as far as to say my friend here is the smallest I've encountered, but damn, is probably close. Def had fun as he was sweet and cute, and kinda knew what he was doing (which is always helpful). #doingGodswork #LoveAllServeAll Read more
World Tour Cumming...!?!?
Sooo...after having a super enlightening chat with 'Chad' who 'slut shamed' me saying I was more than a 'couple hundred or so blowjobs' past what he would 'consider appropriate'. Whatever the fuck that means? LOL. I decided maybe I shold tour and really up my game, lol. #stopslutshaming #itsonlysex #dicksweremeanttobesucked #everybodysgoodatsomething #whattayathinkImgoodat? Read more
Monday Motivation...!!!
Got a lil 'Monday Motivation' sumthin' to help start your week off right...!!! Altho I haven't been terribly motivated to shave recently, lol. #Tallskinnypalebitches #smolpeen Read more
It's a red kinda day
Happy National Wear Red Day...!!! #redhot Read more
It's Thursday, yo!!
One more sleep until the weekend, here's a little something to help get you there, hope you like!! #thongthursday #dongsinthongs #gurlswithhotasses Read more
Happy FriYay...!!!
We made it...another weekend getting ready to start. Happy Fishnet Friday...!!! Have a fun, safe weekend and here's hoping we all get lucky!! #stripes&fishnets #bulgingpanties Read more
It's Wednesday y'all...!!!
Those 'Hump Day' vibes are in full effect today!! #alldatassandallthemlegs #softsolesandlongtoes #gurlbulge #bigfeet Read more
It's just how it goes
Lol, over the past nine weeks, I've met & 'hung out with' ;) five guys... In the last two weeks, I've heard from one of them to wish me a 'Merry Christmas & Happy New Year'... So far in six hours today (the day after the holidays) I've heard from four of them, lololol...wonder what they be wantin'!?!? For some context...of those guys, three are married, one has a girlfriend & one is 'working thru stuff' with someone (whatever that means, lol, Idrc), so I get it. It's just how this cycle works. #whenyourethatgirl #ifyourethesidepieceyougetit #thathoelife Read more
Merry Christmas...!!!
Sorry guys, but better late than never, right...!?!?!? So...whatcha waitin' for, dontcha wanna open your present...!?!?!? Read more
Hey you!!
Hope y'all had a nice holiday!! #Iwannatalkaboutme Read more