About me

Hi everyone my name is Joe(not my real name lol)Making this "story" just to talk about me and what i like and dislike. About me I am a straight(I dont mind transsexuals or homosexuals some are pretty hot and are awesome people but I am too shy to meet up with you guys)indian male. I am a hindu but i dont real care about all the political religious junk i believe in love and peace, that said i don't exclusively date one race I am complete open to any race as long as your human lol.I live in 2148 postcode (google it) its the area i live at i dont mind going out of my way to meet up bu… Read more

Posted by joemama10101 11 years ago

Boss Pimp

Most people complain about their jobs. They feel under-appreciated, under-paid and under-accomplished in jobs that don’t fully challenge all their skills and talents. They don’t get the chance to show their boss what they can really do. I feel for my friends that dread going to work at mindless jobs. On the other hand, I love my job, but I can’t exactly tell all my friends why I love my job so much…but I can tell you. You see, my boss Milt makes full use of my talents and abilities every day and in return I make sure that he receives my gratitude. He pays me in bonuses and I show my appreci… Read more

Posted by joemama10101 11 years ago

Aftermath cuckold

This isn't my story but its so hot i wanted to share There’s nothing more sexy in the world than your loved one having sex with another guy in front of you, your wife or girlfriend on her back getting long, hard, deep strokes, the building of the climax and the pause as the guy spills his load inside her and then as he climbs off as you watch in awe the aftermath of the sexual encounter.… Read more

Posted by joemama10101 11 years ago 2