Are you a fag? I am.

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are. STAGE 1 ======= 1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) 2. When you watch straight pornography, do you prefer videos of handjobs and blowjobs over videos of ordinary intercourse… Read more

Posted by jodipeterscd 9 years ago 109

My Sissy Orentation Score says.... Let's face it. You're a fag. You like sucking dick. You've fantasized about your mother and sister because you can't get any pussy of your own. You strut around with your 5 inch penis pretending to be a man but how could you be if you can't even satisfy a woman? You thought you kept it a secret for all those years without realizing it but in truth, woman have a built i ability to separate fags from men. And you're a gay boy, through and through. more

Posted by jodipeterscd 9 years ago 4