Chastity Release Game (Jeu pour la liberation de c

Ce jeu se joue avec deux dĂ©s. Le mot “edge” vient de l'anglais. Dans ce cas il signifie “à la limite de l'orgasme”. Sans doute, vous connaissait dĂ©jĂ  ce mot. 1,1) Baise ton cul 11 min. Pas d'orgasme, pas de libĂ©ration. 1,2) Plugg 12 min. Tu peux ouvrir la cage et avoir un “edge”. Pas d'orgasme 1,3) Ca porte malheure... Baise ton cul 20 min avec des pinces sur les tĂ©tons. Pas d'orgasme, pas de libĂ©ration. 1,4) 3 “edge”. Pas d'orgasme. 1,5) 2 “edge” sans utiliser les mains. Sois creatif. ;) Pas d'orgasme. 1,6) Mets un plug anal durant 1 heure. Tu peux enlever ta cage et te… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago 2

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 7 (Wednesday)

Hello my sissy slave. How do you feel today? Are you horny? I hope so. I like my sissy slut to be horny all the time, they do better job. Do agree? Of course. Thank me to keep you locked in a chastity cage and make horny. Tell me how you love to be denied and humiliated by me. Good slave. Let's see the daily assignments. 1) To night, I want you to eat on the floor. Take your plate and put it on the floor. Then you can eat without using your hands. I want to see you eating like a dog. (2 points) 2) A good sissy slave is not only used as a fuckdoll. You have also to be useful for hous… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago 1

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 6 (Tuesday)

Hi chastity slave. I hope you are working your ass. Here are your daily assignments: 1) I told you you will see feet. Get on your knees in front of you Mistress. Look at my perfect legs. I sure you want to fuck them like a little puppy. So disgusting! Hopefully you are locked in that chastity. Take your dildo. You can play with your cage only with dildo. Look this video at the same time: Mmmmh, you love to see this big dildo playing with your useless dick. Do you realize it is over for you. You will never again use you… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 5 (Monday)

Hello my sissy slut. How is your locked tiny dick going? I hope you are horny for me! Beg me to fuck your sissy ass. I hope you didn't forget the daily rituals. How was it to fuck your ass as soon you wake up? I am sure you love it. Here are your daily assignments: 1) Tonight, we will train the doggy position. Mmmmh, I feel you are horny. Good slut. But your dildo against a wall not to high. I want you to put you hands behind you, on your back; take them joint. Your face, should touch the floor. Fuck your ass 10 min with 92 speed of metronome. more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 4* (Sunday)

Yoohoo! It is Sunday my slave. You will have your chance to be released. So I hope you did well. Do you have your points? Don't forget the bonus if you have too. 2 bonus is only if you were locked all the time and 1 bonus if more than 12 hours. So if you took of your chastity even one second is 1 points. Understand? Good sissy slut. How is your ass going? Is it larger? I hope so. Before going to the release, let's talk about the future. Those three days were a test. Next weeks it will be harder. You will need to have the time to do the assignments otherwise you will never cum. From now on, t… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 3 (Saturday)

Hello my sissy slut. How do you feel on this third day in chastity. Are you horny? Of course, and tonight you will be even more after we will have played with your ass again. I know you love it. You love it so much because it is the only pleasure you can have anymore. I hope you have been a good slave and follow the rules. Do you remember them? Tomorrow will be your release day. If you are a good slutty slave tonight maybe you will cum tomorrow. Let see... Here are your daily assignments slave, read them completely before beginning. 1) Cock sucking! Get on your knees and stick your dildo a… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago 2

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 2 (Friday)

Here are your daily assignment. For this second day, I would test your ability to accept pain. Indeed sissy slut, your purpose is not only to give pleasure the big cocks by sucking and being fucked. A lot of alpha males like to be violent. You have to please them for this aspect too. Understand? By the way, as a Mistress, I love to see my slave suffering from pain. I love to see your vulnerability and how helpless you can be when I am bitting you. Of course don't worry little slave, I will not begin to hard. Today is a little bit of warm up for what will come the next weeks. Wear your sissy… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago

Sissy Chastity Slut Training: Day 1 (Thursday)

Here are your daily assignment. For our first day we will train your mouth and ass a little. Of course if you have sissy outfits wear them. Make yourself as slutty as possible. 1) Suck your dildo while you are watching this video (dildo remains in mouth). And fellow the bit! Go as deep as you can. Don't take the dildo out ouf your mouth! Let's go slut slave suck it for your Mistress. Show me what kind of whore you are: 2) Deep throat the dildo while you are watching this video (2 breaks of 10 seconds). I want you push the dildo… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago 2

Sissy Chastity Slut Training : Introduction

Dear slave, You have finally found your on-line Mistress. Yes, my slut ! I will be your Mistress. You will obey me and do as it please me. Understand ? Good. So first of all, I am sorry if the writing is not good enough, I am not a native english speaker. I am writing in english because more people can read it. Secondly, I am actually a slave and not a Mistress. I will follow the instructions like you but I will also play the Mistress role. Weird ? Yeah... And finally, please leaves comments. That would give me the motivation to continue the writing of the training. So let's go! As I tol… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago 2

Jeu de chasteté et sissification.

Jeu de chasteté : MatĂ©riels : Deux dĂ©s. RĂšgle du jeu : Niveau Facile : Le soumis lance les deux dĂ©s. On regarde le dĂ© avec la plus grande valeur. Si la valeur est comprise entre 1-5, la valeur reprĂ©sente le nombre de jours qu'il devra passer en cage avant de pouvoir rejouer. Le dĂ© avec la plus petite valeur est ignorĂ© et il n'y aura pas de libĂ©ration. Si la valeur est 6. Le soumis pourra enlever sa cage. Alors, le dĂ© avec la plus petite valeur reprĂ©sente le temps qu'il a pour jouir. Par exemple, en tranche de 30 secondes, un 3 reprĂ©sente 1min30. A vou… Read more

Posted by JLopettez 8 years ago 5