long time coming

this has taken a long time to happen,a few years a go at a party a women was telling my wife how her husband had pissed over her in his sleep,they were lay in bed after going out,the next thing was this warm feeling down her back,she flung the cover back to find her husband fast a sleep but had wet the bed,my wife said if I ever did that to her I would be in the spare bed for a long time,we are swapping our bed so now was the time to get her, we went out for a few drinks but I set out to get her drunk and boy did i get her drunk,when we got home she got in bed and passed out,I pulled the cover… Read more

Posted by jcz 12 years ago

bbw shy wife

My wife is so shy,I only get to see her naked by hidden cams yet i think she has great tits,so i film her then post her out so others can see her,she likes me to go down on her but will not do the same,so the only way i get her to eat my cum is by jacking in her drinks or her food or best when she has had a drink and is a sleep i get it right in to her mouth, all her sisters get the same treatment when they stay over, i don't think i have it that bad.… Read more

Posted by jcz 13 years ago