After the dinner dishes are done, And the k**s are finished bathing, After a long hard day, Of both k**s misbehaving. After the dogs have been fed, And brought in for the night, After watching the evening sky, Losing the last rays of light. After a long hard week, Of working to pay the bills, After closing up all the windows, So the k**s don't get the chills. After his and her showers And everyone's teeth have been brushed, Looking forward to the weekend, Two days of not being rushed. Before the k**s wake up early, Before they watch Saturday morning cartoons, Read more
Erotic Nites
The k**s are down and the lights are out Another day is about to close All the lights in the house are off Ending the stalking views of our shadows. The weekend was long and our bodies are sore Muscles are tense from over-use Even though we are still considered young We are not used to landscaping abuse. Steamy showers help to relive Some of our aches and pains Crawling under the covers and resting our heads Is all that remains. Restless and uncomfortable You toss, turn and grunt Sore muscles wont let you sleep A backrub is what you want. Somewhat disgruntled, I shallow Read more
The taste of your scarlet lips wakes me slowly As you straddle me while you kiss me this morn Pure temptation then transudes from your eyes Transfixing my eyes to the heaven you adorn Your soft neck allures me relentlessly now With my fingers I caress it ever so slightly Nibbling slowly ear to ear, I tease you after I then hold both of your hips ever so tightly Arching your neck back you enjoy every kiss I then grab your breasts firmly as I tease you Then I nibble on the spot right below your ear Waking the cravings our Devils now pursue Moaning freely you then bite your bott Read more
Lonely Days (female Point of View)
Laying in bed, thinking of you Separated by a few hundred miles Apart for over an entire week now My sexual tension compiles. The winter night is cold and long As a storm pounds against our home The electricity is out, sombering my mood While my personal thoughts start to roam. A long hot shower has my blood flowing As I hang the towel up to dry Creeping from room to room without the burden of clothes I am alone, with no need to be shy. No neighbors around or cars to be heard A dirty thought enters my head Just because he is off on business Doesn't mean I can't have fun in Read more
Feminine Perspectives
Flying off to Vegas for the weekend To celebrate the wedding of my best friend The event was huge and the guest list top notch I feel somewhat lucky to attend. After checking into our hotel room And settling down for some rest The room is pitch black; I can't see a thing And we are both feeling a little bit stressed. Just him and I; alone at last I didn't think this time would arrive With the events I have planned for him tonight He'll be lucky simply to survive. Dropping my robe and exposing my body While he unknowingly lays on the bed A red lacy bra and panties made of Read more
Sex Drive
Driving home at night After a long hard day Both of us tired After a hard days play Cruising down the winding path The radio has nothing good to share Spots of sweat dot my forehead A result of the humid night air The radio now falls quiet As you whisper in my ear You want me inside your body And you want it now and here. One final glance In front and behind the car Tells me that nobody is around Proving how alone we are My focus stays on the road But you are focused on me Kissing the side of my face and licking the side of my cheek Our tongues meet in the middle Read more
Friday Nights Are Better Without The Lights.
The day comes to an anticipated close As the moon overpowers the sun Another work week has finally passed And we both welcome a weekend of fun. Sprawled across the neatly made bed A chill runs over her skin Wearing only her boy-cut panties Starting to feel the yearning from within. What better way to start the weekend Than some well-deserved romance Seeking to peak my interest in her She plans out her sexual advance. Gracefully strolling from room to room And in front of the television several times I notice that she is almost completely nude As my testosterone level climb Read more