It's just a chatville front end, exact same thing though. I can be watched anonymously for free. It's even better if you open your cam too. Faces not required. I change the user frequently so you have to contact me here to get the latest. Let me know if you want to try. Read more
My friends homemade porn turns me ON !
It's one thing to surf around and wack it on some nice high-value porn flick. It's a whole other thing when you've got xham friends that post vids of their Jillings and such. It makes my balls HOT and the semen BOIL to the top when I'm masturbating with a vid from someone I 'know'. Just a little pleasant conversation or even a simple I like your junk kind of message gives a homemade vid a little more of a personal touch for me and makes the session just that much more fun. Some of you sexy people make super hot home porn. Way better watching your real orgasms than some bi Read more
Yes I accept suggestions ;)
Got a toy, technique or apparatus that you'd like to see me use ? Inspire me. ;) If I'm into it and I can do it (so to speak), I'll post the vid here for your amusement. You should probably PM me on this one though. Discretion is the better part of valour, and there are some boundaries. Andiamo ! Read more
Exhibitionism is the new modesty
It turns me on. I have to admit it, displaying my masturbation publicly is a real turn on. No … I mean I get so ragingly excited when I’m jerking off on a public cam and someone comes in the room and tells me how much they like it. I can’t help myself, I just lose my load. Like some kind of Pavlovian dog responding to a bell, my cock starts dripping the minute my eyes see some kind encouragement. It’s not as if I’m a premature ejaculator. I’ve been known to go (too) long. It’s just so difficult for me to hold off when someone on the other side is Read more