Anal with Irene's best friend

Sarah is Irene's best Friends, younger than Irene but a great whore too. S he came to pay me a visit to the place I work, we were chatting happily for a couple of hours and at last she came with me to my flat. In ou way home she was talking really dirty and when there wasn't anybody around she grabs my cock and swallow it till her throat. I cum on her tongue really fast as I felt really excited. She licked my cum covered dick and tasted it with pleasure. Yoy are such a lil slut I told her and she smiled with a splicy look at her eyes. When we arrived home she insisted in being o… Read more

Posted by Irenelover 7 years ago 3

Follando con Irene en un bar

Ayer niche salimos a cenar unos amigos, Irene no había podido venir por que tenía que hacer algo en el hospital o eso pensaba yo al principio. Después de unas cuantas cervezas me subí a los baños, me sentí realmente aliviado al descargar todo aquel liquido, cuando iba a salir sin haber acabado de subir la cremallera del pantalón a pareció ella con cara de lujuria mordiéndose el labio y lanzando su mano a la cremallera todavía abierta me la empezó a chuparla como solo saben hacerlo las profesionales o las amateur que son mas putas que las profesionales y esa era y es mi Irene, una gran puta ado… Read more

Posted by Irenelover 7 years ago 9

First time I fucked Irene

First time I fucked Irene was in a party, in a party at her house with a lot of Friends dresed up only with masks and her husband watching the scene and taking some vids and pictures while two real whore licked up his cock and his ass. All the guess where fucking his wife in turns over a black cloth. All the guess covered her with loads of cum while she had her eyes closed and coverd with a black stocking. My work was to fuck he while the other me gave her their sperm, I was really escited and I bet she was enjoying like a cumwhore. She laughed at me because of my not too big cock but enjoye… Read more

Posted by Irenelover 8 years ago 2