there are many of you than wont accept this knowledge.there are case histories all over the world about demons breeding women.I am proof.I have within me such a doesnt matter doent matter is not a question of if but a matter of when.this demon NOT will stop.the demon have possessed for as long as I can remember.I wasnt sure of why until the demon started to talk to me.I did not believe it my self.things started happening to make be believe.conscious blacks out when you are conscious of what you doing but you cant stop it.the amount of seed and how fast it will replenish Read more
Confessions of a Vampire breeder....
yeah...I am such.the thirst is not for blood.the thirst is not for immortality.the thirst is for a young hot fertile womb.a vampire breeder must breed just as a vampire must have blood.his seed is his power.just like the symbol of a crucifix will stop some vampires ,birth control will stop some vampire breeders.if the breeder is older,a more seasoned breeder birth control will not stop him from seeding a fertile womb.he knows that it is possible to impregnate even if she has birth control.the breeders dont take or manipulate women.we target women that know what they pussy is for.he will not Read more
eight years ago I found out something about myself that has truly liberated me sexually. I have no maternal attachment to my seed. suffice to say that I love making a girl/woman pregnant. I learned there is a whole generation of women (mostly white)that love being knocked up by a black mans seed. it all started at an adult book store/arcade. I was in my stall watching a movie and heard a knock on the door. I peeped out to see a white woman dressed in a very short skirt and a see thru top. she lifted her skirt to reveal her naked hairy pussy. then she pointed to it and I said yes. she stepped Read more