26th January - enema and shave

yesterday i decided it was time to do another enema and shave my balls i got all the stuff ready and headed to the shower. i filled a jug with about 1 1/2 litres of warm water and started to soap myself over paying attention to my cock to get it hard and start edging after about 5 minutes of edging it was time to do the enema i filled the douche and promptly emtied it into my ass, this was repeated until the jug was empty and i was feeling full, as have not taken this much fluid before. this was getting harder than usual to keep in and it took all my muscle control to hold it and i could f… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 3

24th January

on thursday after chatting to mistress gina, she decided i need punishment for my previous actions. as i am currently ass training she felt the following appropriate "I see you are training that hole. For my part of your punishment I want you to hurt it. Here is what you have to do.Clean your pussy with your douche, Put a small ice cube in your hole, round any sharp edges first by biting them off, Put a thin coating of lube on your biggest plug and also on your hole and crack., Place the plug onto a hard flat surface,mshe floor or a wooden charge or stool, Perch above it with the tip just at… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 5

21 january

No blog for couple of days. Edging and ass play was as normal but wasn't feeling great after angering and upsetting mistress. My punishment was in having to write the part about collaring. It was humbling to have to do and really made me realise my error and put me in my place. Fortunately mistress did not punish me further with a time out. Yesterday evening after a shower I did my edging as per normal then did some ass play. The pictures of this can be seen in a new gallery My ass was really enjoying the play with the plug and it is getting easier. Last night I got one of my wife's vibes an… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 1

The wearing of a collar

There are many views as to whether the submissive should request to wear a collar or if it should be rewarded by the dominant, but in either scenario it is the decision of the dominant that matters. The wearing of a collar signifies Loyalty, Dedication, Devotion, Obedience, Trust, Respect, Surrender, Honour and Pride to name the main attributes and with it come a great responsibility to both the mistress and the sub As a submissive to a wonderful and superior mistress whom I am proud and honoured to serve, I thought it would be a good sign of my surrender and giving control to her to reque… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 7

17th January

Got a charity walk to do today so up a bit earlier than usual. Got breakfast ready then off for today's shower. Washed all over and while covered in soap time for edging. 5 minutes of bliss as I played with my owned cock. This was followed by 5 minutes of ass ply ch edged with he plug being left in. Dressed and back downstairs for breakfast before time to go. 10 mile walk to do. Done these before but never with a butt plug in so this was a first. On the whole it was pretty oral but at times when it was a bit more strenuous I could feel the plug inside. Once home it was time for a shower… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 3

15th January

Decided to do enema this morning before returning to UK Had shower as usual and then started to play with ass and get it nicely lubed up.filled bottle with warm water and started to fill ass inserting and pumping the liquid in. Almost half a litre used and was feeling quite full and contemplating the next 20 minutes of holding, so time for a bit of edging and shave to pass the time. 20 minutes up and pleased with myself as no leak this time but did take a bit of muscle clenching to make sure. A lot of water squirted and then the cleansing so time to lube up and insert the big plug.. Pantie… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 3

14th January

Boy has to start this blog by acknowledging the correction of mistress in pointing out his error and sloppiness is not doing his blogs in a timely manner. For this lack of focus boy requests that miss provides suitable punishment to correct her boy so this does not happen again. For the last few days boy has been very busy with work and the customer but recognises that he has not satisfied mistress Sinc my last blog the daily routine has been similar each day. It starts with a warm shower and boy stroking mistress owned cock and getting it hard to start edging. Boy will then lube a couple of… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago

10th January

Firstly I must apologise for lack of blog for a few days. Due to being unwell I was not able to do my assignments, but back to normal now. Saturday started bright and early with my shower and 10 mins of edging prior to getting my medium plug out and another and another 10 mins of anal training. Shower over and slipped lace panties on before heading off for breakfast. Breakfast done and out for the day sight seeing and working on another assignment from miss. A large pair of hoop earrings for present, unfortunately boy failed this task as the largest hoop he could find was not big enough. Late… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 4

4 and 5th january

Got a little lie in as no rush to work but trip to airport Shower and edge complete its time to head to airport Bags checked and through to departures, glad toys are in checked luggage and not hand luggage as wouldn't want to have to explain them if stopped Watching departure board and seeing one for DTW and wishing it was my flight number next to it 11 hours to look forward to on the plane. Oh what joy ... Not Film watch and need loo . Once in loo decide that would be good time to edge but first applied hair bands to balls and then proceeded to make mistresses cock hard to edge Had to… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 2

3rd january

Just another day but going to be a mad one as have to get ready for couple of weeks away with work so packing to do and stuff to sort Morning shower and edging as usual Edging helped along by thinking of going away and wishing was to US and mistress not Asia 10 minutes of edging completed with no faults. That's great as means won't earn punishment Day spent racing around and then packin. Few essentials to ensure are paced. Most important is douche toy and plugs, also lace panties and something to tie up balls while away The for quick shower and edge before bed… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago

1st and 2nd January 2016

Friday 1st January 2016 Woke to a new year Happy New Year to everyone Started day by going for a run and then home for shower Shower was so much easier this morning and edging was a lot easier and able to do it for longer due to having emptied balls yesterday. This was nice as was able to stroke mistress cock for longer. Inserted the new plug for some play. It felt good and was able to hold it in easier and decided to leave it in for a few hours while I went out. Whilst out I did have to give it a nudge a few time to insure it was fully in but otherwise it was ok and I could feel it with… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 1

31st December Last day of 2015

Up early again and check for any messages from friends Very cold and windy here but went for last run of 2015, hard work and blown about a bit. Home for shower, edging, and ass training. This morning was edging while doing ass play and almost cum but managed to stop in time. Brunch time and logon. Got messages from miss and have been given permission for one orgasm today. Thank you miss, I will treasure it Fairly normal rest of day and nothing planed for new years eve this year, so will be a night in with a few films in front of the TV with the odd glass or two of whisky. Decide to go and… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago

first enema

I had to go away with work for a few days. On the way to the airport on the coach I was reading my latest messages from mistress. She had decided an assignment while away. I was to give myself an enema and ass play. Panic set in as I could always find something to ass play but an enema, one at the airport and case checked in, it was time for some breakfast. While eating was going through my mind of how would I achieve this task as the last thing I want to do is fail mistress. It then dawned on me that they hve a boots in the terminal and I might be able to get something there. NO such luck !!… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago

30th December

Woke early hoping to get miss on a “normal” time for her but alas not online. Posted yesterdays blog and pictures for mistress Breakfast then off for my usual morning shower ritual. Edging a little easier today as had not got worked up by chatting to mistress. Went for a run and was well happy as first run for 6 weeks since pulling muscle and managed it with no problems. Stopped in town en route to get new plugs as current one slips out. Good excuse for shower when home and another edging session and opportunity to give new plugs a go. Have been wearing the middle one since for the day and… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 3

29th December

WOW !! 2 days running mistress has been online when I get the ipad out, how lucky I am. Had a wonderful chat with mistress about ownership and her loaning me out to another mistress that we chat with. They will do a swap of there properties. Mistress sent me links to a couple of videos for me to watch and as per usual save them in my favorites for her later viewing as they are what will happen in the near future. Leaked into pants as usual talking to mistress. Usual morning shower ritual of edging and ass training followed. Edging is getting harder as want so much to cum for mistress but kno… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 5

28th december

This morning started of wonderful. On turning on ipad hoping to find a message from mistress I was surprised to find her online. The opportunity to chat got me so excited that during our chat, mistress owned cock was leaking, and quite a bit as it has not cum for a few months now..The chat was good as we talked about how mistress intended to use her property upon return to her. Following our chat it was time for my morning shower. Edging was made easy following the chat but it was very hard not to cum. I wanted to cum as I stroked her owned cock but knew that it would spell trouble if I did a… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 3

assignments while away

Assignments while away Through work I recently had to go to China for a week for work Whilst away I was set a few tasks by mistress I was to tie her balls tightly and they were to remain tied I was to administer enemas in order to assist my ass training I was to keep my plug in all day and could only remove it at night if it caused problems each day I was to edge regular and also administer hard cock slapping to train myself for my rightful place back under mistress Boy failed his mistress as he was not able to complete all these tasks and will be requesting punishment for failing On ar… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 4

Ritual Punishment

I am Boy Andy and am proud to be the sub and the property of MzPrudenceJuris I have failed and upset Mistress with my dissent whilst chatting to another on here My punishment was 5 days of silence from Mistress and that was far worse than any canning that I have had form her and had I have been there I would have requested her cane and whip in exchange for the silence When I return back to America and am properly under her control in my rightful place I seek that mistress see fit to control me with a punishment ritual I will write down any confessions of wrong doing or bad behaviour and th… Read more

Posted by hammer64 9 years ago 3