*I* thought you said...

It's time for COUNTDOWN‘s Worst Persons in the World. [...]The runner up, Senator Lindsay Graham, went on Fixed News yesterday and said of his pal, Senator McCain, "He‘s never said that this war would be easy."[sighs] In September 2002, McCain told CNN of Iraq, “I believe that the success will be fairly easy.” In January of 2003, McCain told us “We will win this conflict. We will win it easiLY.” In April 2003, McCain told us, “There‘s not a history of clashes that are violent between Sunnis and Shias.” In January 2007,… Read more

Posted by H4rryF 10 years ago

Presidents don't threaten.

"Jack Jones": What the hell are we gonna do about the Communists right here in our own backyard? Nixon:What do you really mean, Jack? "Jack Jones": I mean I got federal price controls on my oil. And the rag heads are beating the shit out of me, Dick. And your E.P.A. environmental agency has got its thumb so far up my ass it's scratchin' my ear... John Erlichman [to Nixon]: Sir, it's time for us to be... "Jack Jones": I got a federal judge orderin' me to bus my grandklds halfway across this town to go to school with so… Read more

Posted by H4rryF 10 years ago