Helen's naughty tennis lesson.. A little blog

A warm sunny morning in the south of England. Dan was sipping his tea while reading the Saturday papers when Helen walked in and did a little twirl, asking, "Do you like my new tennis dress" "Looks very good on you, a bit short for tennis though I would have thought" "What do you mean, short" "Well when you bend over to pick up your ball anyone standing behind you will have a lovely view of your arse'' ''Oh Dan sometimes you can be such a prude, all the tennis ladies wear dresses like this'' ''Would this new dress have anything to do with that new coach at the club you were telling me… Read more

Posted by guru6969 8 years ago 4

A chance metting 2.

Abby closed and locked the door and flopped down on the bed, her head was spinning from all that had happened in just an hour or so. Meeting Jean, and Madame DuPont's offer were all just so perfect. She wondered if she could really improve her French enough to find work here in this wonderful part of the world. This was her second last stop on her tour on the region in a few days she was supposed to move to her next booked hotel fifty miles away, but this little village at thee foot of the rolling hills had surly stole her heart. The high meadows and the babbling brooks with cool flowi… Read more

Posted by guru6969 9 years ago 3

A chance meeting.

He sat on the café terrace sipping his coffee and watching the world go by. He favoured this time of year best. The air was filled with the scent of all the wonderful blooms that nature bestowed upon the region. Here in this part of France, his part as he liked to think of it, the rolling hills were the growing grounds for all sorts of wonderful plants. He had just spent the afternoon in one of the high meadows sketching the landscape, he's pad lay open on the table and he was wondering if maybe he should do this one in water colours at some later stage. His attention was pulled from th… Read more

Posted by guru6969 9 years ago 3