middle aged woman with a double chin - continued:

fiction - She stood up straight, bustier than most women, not super busty but busty Her wrists were thick and her hands were big Her nipples were pink and small but when erect the nipples showed thru bra and shirt She had floppy biceps and a pretty voice, kind of a mid range voice And she was kind, that is all that mattered, kind to her man and i was her man. I love her kindness and her gentle nature and she is not sexually hung up or mean. Every night she comes to bed naked as a jay bird and horny as heck. She'd brush her hair to make it neat and it was cut short on… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago

middle aged woman with a double chin

This story isn't true but based upon my imagination ____________________________________________ It was rather strange as to the marital status of "Jane" - She was married but had an open marriage and the husband was fine as to the life she had. There was no discourse there, it was what it was. They were open about their sex life, nothing to hide. Jane was middle aged, white skinned, with a double chin and full set of tits with nipples that showed thru her bra and shirt. She was of average intelligence. Her skin was a brighter white and had a belly on her and some body fat… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago

small sex dating site

Back around 2005 when I first got my computer I joined several dating sites. I joined a small sized sex site and paid my dues of like $15 a month. I really didn't expect to get any results but after a time I got to talking to like 3 different women. One was from Florida who had been in a car accident with head and brain damage. She was chatty and witty but I didn't see a future there. One was from Minnesota who had nice plump breasts, average, on the pretty side and personable. Apparently she lived in an apartment and worked at a book store. There was another off hand I can't… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago

that free dating site

back around 2005 when I first got my own computer I looked around and joined several dating sites. One of them was a free dating site that refers to a****ls that swims in water. Ok, when I first joined it was like the wild west on there, almost anything went if it wasn't too overtly sexual. Being a Canadian base webpage most of the women on there were from Canada and they were beauties. Most of them had an attitude that they didn't want anything to do with American men so I thought fine, I'll just admire them from afar. These Canadian women for the most part were more sexually lib… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago

chubby dating site

I used to belong to big women dating site. I liked it, it was easy to use and there really weren't that many people on it. Ever so often I would get to talking to the women and usually it was started by the women as I never know how to introduce myself and figure the women on these sites get inundated with requests from men. I like bigger women, usually the bustier ones so that is why I joined. I am polite and pleasant so wasn't nasty or anything. There were some nasty ones, ones that were on there to get ego boosts so I generally avoided them. The sight had popup chat windows an… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago


Jill was a nice woman, average and pretty at 41 years old, kind of short and could fill out a sweater adequately. She looked like a German / Jewish / Russian mixture. I was living in a dormitory that was an ex convent. Anyone could live there, it was cheap and many of the rooms were not occupied. Many of the other residents were creeps, alcoholics, bums but not Jill. The place had a main atrium with flowers and a glass sky light. One day I was sitting in it and a woman who's name I found out later was Jill was touring the place. He had on a skirt and her legs were kind of fat and s… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago

rooming house

I lived in a rooming house once for 2 years - worst place in town as I was low on money There was a big chubby loud mouthed woman, maybe around 45. Somehow she and a somewhat beefy 19 year old man, who wasn't very smart, got along. Well one day I could hear them making out in the bathroom above me. She was very loud and grunted like a pig. Apparently she was on top and he was on the floor. She must have rode the heck out of him. Another time a young woman, maybe around 18-19 and she had a boyfriend who again wasn't that smart. She must have had a fight with her mother and moved out… Read more

Posted by goatherder 6 years ago