Hospital visit

A friend of my Husband was in the hospital with a broken arm and leg, due from a auto accident. I know him but not that much. But my hubby has COPD and couldn't visit him because to must walking at the hospital to get to his room. Well my husband asked if I would stop by on my way home from work and see him, and see if he needed anything. Well I did, I went in and he was alone, said he wasn't doing bad. That they was keeping him there to see if he needed surgery on his leg. I set down in the chair as we talked. I had on a skirt little above knee length. Which would show a lot of my legs settin… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 1 year ago 41


Well are we ever going to be a good site again, and get to receive and send pictures any more? Has anyone heard any good news about it yet.?… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 3 years ago 31

Most memorable blow job

It was 4 years ago. We had a bad storm and a tornado that killed most power in the area.  It was very hot and a friend of my husband called and said that we could come over and stay with them in there basement. He had a generator and small air conditioner.  Well we took some food and snacks. His name was Dan "we'll say" and his wife. We had fun talking and snacking around. Well when it was time for bed Dan and his wife had cots and we set up a mattress in the floor next to there cots. Well we went to bed and later Dan got up for something and when h… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 3 years ago 110

Question for the men

Does your wife or girlfriend gives you a blow job because you want them to, or  because they want to.?  … Read more

Posted by GinaD10 3 years ago 136

Another question Guys

Hay Husbands , Does your wife often give you a blowjob?  And does she swallow ?… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 4 years ago 138

Father in Law

My father in law always tried to get in my pants . He would come over and do things around the house , just to be there alone with me. He done this for a long while , One day he came over to fix at my dishwasher. As he was in the floor at the dishwasher and I was in there cleaning and cooking and had on a sun dress. I know every now and then he could see my sexy black lace panties . He was laying in the floor looking under the washer and asked me if I would hand him the small money wrench. Like I knew what that was, lol,, I just got his little plastic tool box and got on my knees beside him an… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 5 years ago 123

Peeking in on me. Part 1

A few years back my Husbands Uncle lived in a apartment beside us. It was really a 2 story garage redone.  our living room was on that side , it house had tall windows , with curtains haft way up.  I worked at home most of the time , my Hubby would leave for work at 7. I would clean house some and a lot of mornings I would get on here and, well have a  little fun and get myself off, wink, One Morning I was looking at some videos and I noticed in my lap  top screen a dim light came  on for a second or two in  the upper part of his Uncles apartme… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 6 years ago 49

Don't pass out at a party

Word to the wise, Don't drink to much and pass out at a party where boys are there.  You may wake up with a cream taste in your mouth . Has this happened to you ? That you know of ?,,  Your thinking ,, LOL , It's probably happened to me. And a lot of others that don't know it did..… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 6 years ago 38

Craigslist for sex, Any one tried the new site?

Has any one tried the Craigslist for sex ad that's on here . I was wanting to know if it was like the old one . The old one was Awesome ,, very exciting site . Please let me know if you have looked into it,.. and if it's for real..  Thanks..… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 6 years ago 36

Another guestion for the guys

Guys do you like your wife's , girlfriend , mistress , or rainy day gal, twat to be shaved , little hair , natural , or bushy ? My Husband likes mine natural , and dyed jet black . He says its sexy to see it thru my panties, He's a weird puppy ,, LOL… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 6 years ago 218

Blowing a stranger.

Let me tell you what happened to me 3 weeks ago. It was a warm Saturday morn. And I was going to go to see if I could find any yard sales. I was driving and came to a stop sign, and there was an older man jogging that had stopped there to cross the street. He was around 60 and was chubby and had on blue lose pair of jogging shorts. He was standing there half jogging and waved me to go on, but I was staring at his shorts bounce in front, finally I noticed him waving me on but I waved him to go, I wanted to see it bounce some more,, LOL So I pulled out after he walked fast by and I went up the… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 7 years ago 79

Question for the Guys,,

Which does it feel best to cum in for you? twat or mouth?.… Read more

Posted by GinaD10 7 years ago 274