Second whore wife part 2

Whore number two was with me for about 3 years and everything was going really good but something was not right and I was having trouble figuring out what it was. We had an interracial gangbang with her one night and things got a little tense with one of the black dudes and he came to me and told me that she tgold him tp take his N**** r cock and shove it somewhere else besides in her. This upset me as the man was a very good college friend and had been for years. After everyone went home and we were alone we got to talking and I asked her about what he had told me. She said her dad had been… Read more

Posted by forhisuse 7 years ago 3

My youth

I am a man that is 74 years old in very good shape and very strong. I lift every other day and press 350 pounds. That said let me get to the meat of the matter. I was raised in a very unusual home as my dad was about my size and could hold his own. I don't think he was ever in a fight and he taught me the same way. "Son just because we are big and can beat the crap out of about 95% of other men we have to find another way to settle things". That has always stuck with me and I have had one fight and that was with a little bitty shrimp that was trying to impress his girl friend. Didn't hurt him… Read more

Posted by forhisuse 7 years ago 2

That night and the trip to his house.

Hi again. I guess before I get to that first night I should tell you a little about myself. I am Jeanne and am 53 years old. I am 5 ft. 4 in. tall and weight around 125 lbs. My measurements are 44DD 30 37, not bad for an old whore huh. I had only been with two other men before hubs. The guy that knocked me up in high school and my first husband/idiot. First one was 18 and split as soon as he found out about the baby and the other one was more interested in his damn fishing than he was me. He should have married a damn fish. I have Raven black hair beginning to grey and it is now down almost to… Read more

Posted by forhisuse 7 years ago 6

When I met my hubs.

I am the wife/whore of the couple and I will be doing most of the posting. I am 53 been married 2 times and have a daughter and grandson from the first marriage. My daughter is 37 and the grandson is 18. You can do the math yourself if you want to. When I met my hubs as i call him I was a 47 year old divorced woman living by myself and was a second grade teacher in a different state. He was in the city I was living in and we met and hit it off right away. He had rented a small house because he was here for a couple of months winding up his business that would allow him to complete his retireme… Read more

Posted by forhisuse 7 years ago 2