I couldn't stand up or anything and some guys grabbed me and pulled me to my feet and walked me into the party. There was like 15 guys there and they all started laughing and clapping as they made me walk in and I just wanted to die I was so embarrassed. They were all like calling me names and yelling stuff at me as these guys made me walk around in front of everyone so they all got a good look at me. I kept stumbling cos I still couldn't control myself and they laughed every time I nearly fell. One guy pulled the front of my dress down to show my little breasts and they started teasing me a Read more
My first party part 3
I hope you guys are enjoying my story, please leave coments if you want to see the last part! After a while I tried to get up off the bench and leave but I only managed like one step and then collapsed, my body not working at all as I fell forward onto the ground, landing with my face on the floor and my ass sticking up. I guess I hadn't realised how short my dress was but now my panties had been taken I could feel cool air on my bare ass and knew I was totally exposed just laying there helpless and vulnerable. I don't know how long I lay there but I never even saw the guy who found me, an Read more
My first party part 2
I was just sitting there trying to catch my breath still shocked at what had just happened when another guy came over and sat down next to me. He just stared at how messy I was and I blushed bright red while he looked at me then he said he'd seen me sucking off that guy and I tried to tell him what had happened but I couldn't talk properly, it just came out as like some baby noises. He just laughed and told me I sounded like a retard and I blushed even more and tried to ask him to help me but I just made the same dumb noises I felt so stupid and helpless. The next thing I knew he was putti Read more
My first party, part 1
So I went to this party in SL and like I thought I'd dress up, in my prettiest little summer dress and I thought I looked super cute! When I got there it seemed really cool but there was like lots of guys and hardly any girls but the music was good so I danced for a while and like people just kept giving me drinks, it was great! Then I started feeling a bit light headed from the drinks and I got a bit dizzy but this really strong guy caught me and said he'd take me out back to get some air which I thought was so sweet. So we got outside and I was feeling super funny and he sat me down on a Read more