49% profile filled
Last seen 12 years ago
4554 days on xHamster
3.3K profile views
10 subscribers
33 comments left
Personal information
I am:
Betty Fake, 30 years old, male, homosexual
Zurich, Switzerland
Male, heterosexual
English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Nederlands, Finnish, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Turkish, cs
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What I look like
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About me

Fake Website

I like sexy men and sexy girls, just contact me don't be shy...

I use GOOGLE TRANSLATOR ! he he but don't tell?

I am a Swiss Dwarf we call them IDIOT's

I want you all to know that I can open 100 profiles
per day with all different ips,
now I'm here with my real ip but
I'll come back with 1000 after being
banned ! As Harry Potter

Just call me bettyloves-Proxies from now on

Check out my New Fake Pictures on http://www.xxxtubers.com/user/bettylove

Look how I fool them into thinking the Pictures of
Nikki Sims Next door Nikki ! is me ! ha ha ha .
you Guys are So Gullible?

bettylove - 14 days ago
Please check my new photos...

this is what I did on xHamster but I got caught.lol

Problem is i get a lot of Swiss guys wanting to chat but i don't speak Swiss ! so i ignore them

see for yourself details of my Chat on www.xxxtubers.com

GodofSex - 8 days ago
Bin nur dort, wo ich den Namen GodofSex haben kann, der echte. Grüsschen bis morgen

GodofSex - 8 days ago
Der goldene Pennis eines Gottes, wenn du ihn siehst weisst du was ich meine!!!

GodofSex - 8 days ago
ja mein Name sagt alles, Gruss GodofSex

ironlegion21 - 8 days ago
hey sweetie, i wrote you a message in your mail. its my fire helmet. how is your day?

cocky - 9 days ago
Sorry if my english in not very good it's not my native language.

cocky - 9 days ago
I don't get tired of watching your pics. My favorite is the one where you have your finger on your mouth
you look so inocent naugthy little girl.

ironlegion21 - 9 days ago
thank you sweetie, and your pictures are really beautiful and sexy. we shoulf get to know one another

cocky - 9 days ago
I just remembered I heard that song before but I didn't know their name. & well I took the name after kid rock's song

cocky - 9 days ago
You look very sexy on those new pics. Your tatoos look pretty nice.

cocky - 10 days ago
Im sorry my browser only finds a song about monsters & men is that the song you talk about or is cocky by kid rock?

opteron - 10 days ago
2 bad we could have a privete chit chat and some other photos ecange maybe.

opteron - 10 days ago
so do you have a skype, ym , msn id?

bettylove - 10 days ago
who gave me a bad rating I want to keep the five stars lol

opteron - 10 days ago
i'm fine i'm just losing some time on net. Yes it's nice here, just a little bit to cold right now. At you in Switzerland how it is ?

cocky - 10 days ago
IIt's the same "cocky"

opteron - 10 days ago
hi betty

cocky - 10 days ago
I'll send you another friend recuest on x vids lol

cocky - 10 days ago
I'll change it later

cocky - 10 days ago
It's the same picture I have on the x vids account but I could not edit it before I posted it

cocky - 10 days ago
Hi betty thanks for the add I really really liked your photos you look amazing

lanzo - 11 days ago
i do have 2 or 3 girlfriends... but ur so hot do u hve alote of sex...

lanzo - 11 days ago
remember this cock sexy...

lanzo - 11 days ago
no problem sexy anytime....

pornstar - 11 days ago
sweety your pics are so hot, if you are in New York come and visit me

LeNympho - 11 days ago
Merci pour ton message, au plaisir de discuter avec toi :-*

konigeil - 12 days ago
hallo du sexy maus

pornstar - 13 days ago
hi sweety have you seen the new videos I put up and sent you?

bluelucky - 13 days ago
sehr nette fotos....hammer süss

weiter so

bettylove - 14 days ago
Please leave a comment for my pics if you like them, then I'm motivated to make more

bettylove - 14 days ago
Please check my new photos...

bettylove - 14 days ago
Hi what's up

he he he! dont I just Love being a Fake Girl! bettylove

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tozzz37 9 years ago
ummm bello fisico complimenti
kris-ch 11 years ago
Hmm sheer sexy
xxmiro 11 years ago
Hallo na du hast ja eingeiles Bild drin :wink: hättest du vielleicht Lust dich mal mit mir zu treffen? was sind so deine vorlieben? falls du wissen möchtest wie ich aussehe schau doch mal auf singlesonsearch18.com habe da auch ein Profil (Miro), denn will hier keine Bilder hochladen,
Arbeitskollegen, Verwandte... etc. aber nicht das du jetzt denkst das ich verklemmt bin, bin nur diskret :smile: ürde mich freuen wenn du dich mal bei mir meldest LG Miro
Fake-Betty Host 12 years ago
What are fakes?

Fakes are people who claim to be someone else than they really are, AND who try to use it to troll, annoy, humiliate or otherwise harm others.

The spectrum of fakes start with men who have a female avatars und enjoy trolling other men, and mainly try to become friends with lesbians to see their private galleries.

The spectrum contains people who "can only answer on this other site" and who actually only advertise for another sitte and try to get that way new members.

And it goes up to dangerous and sick people who aim to harm people mentally or even physically. These are rather rare, but they do excist.

Why is that bad? Everybody should do what they want!

In general, yes. Everybody here can and should do whatever he wants, and the more content the site gains, may it be original or taken from other sites, the happier the other hamsters become.
But the con-artists who only try tu lure you into expensive peepshows, those sickos who laugh at you when you want to meet them/send them a tribute, those people make me angry.

How do I recognize a fake?

There are some things, that can give you a hint. All these things do not automatically mean the person is a fake, but just don´t be overtrustful.

- they have given a pornsite as their personel website
If you have to pay, the person is not the nice user from next door

-looks too good to be true
Perfect make-up, professionel lighting, nice backgrounds... Most of you made pictures of yourself for yourown profiles, and you looking at these you should get an idea how amateurpictures look like and you should recognize professional made pictures.

- looks too good to be true
Yeah, we just had that point. But this time I mean more the model than the technical side. A pristine beauty who could easily work as a model on a porn-datingsite because she is so desperate? Maybe. But seriously, how high is the propability? Just trust your common sense.

- generic names
Names like HotBabe19 or LustWhore or whatever (* I made up those names, if there are really user of that name, it is a coincidence).
You all know that kind of nicknames. Names that sound lewd, sound like someone who immediatly wants to meet you. But, do you have an alike name? Or did you think your nick over for 5 minutes before you decided for one? Most "real" people actually do think a bit about what name to use. And women tend to chose imaginative names rather than lurid.

- only for women
On this site are a lot of lesbian and bisexual women. In reallife it is said that about 5-10% of women (and men) have homosexual tendencies, and not all of them ever try it. Here on XHamster we have many more lesbians (if I had to guess, i´d say about 70%). Of course, who makes an account at a pornsite is apparently aa lot more open and sure about their sexuality than the every day man.
But still, men who pretend to be women most often don´t want to see dicks, just like lesbians.

-don´t have a webcam
And I mean none, never. No camera in a cellphone, no normal camera, nothing, nada. That way they just can´t take a quick picture of themselves. Even when the only thing you want to see are the funny coloured socks you two talked about the last hour.
I personally don´t show my face on any pictures in my flirtprofile either, but after a long talk, and when the one I am chatting with is still doubting me, I sometimes prove myself by writing something on a piece of paper and taking a picture of it in front of my tits. No big deal. Others should be able to that too.

- has a fakelist in their profile
Yes, I know that sounds wierd. But people who use their profile to flirt and have a fakelist, a list without any evidence, just a pure list, should be dealt with carefully. Sure, some people here made bad experiences and want to warn others. But an astoundish amount of those people are fakes themselves or dramaqueens (or both) and want to mislead oters from their own faults.

- wants money
Yes, have already seen that here. "I only accept friends, who buy something from my wishlist or send me 20 bucks, to prove their dedication." Seriously, I read that in a profile of a guy who pretended to by a woman.
Anyways, your common sense should tell you not to give people money for things you get on this site for free.

- tells nonsense
If the cat one just wanted to feed, suddenly turns into a dog as soon as one returns to the computer, then something is wrong. If people already lie at these little things, although there is really no need for it, you get careful. But I can´t give a guide to recognize notorious lyers, you have to find out yourself.

For sure there are more signals, but at the moment I can´t think of more :grinning:
As a general rule, use your common sense.

I have spotted a fake!

Cool. Tell me about it. If I get the same impression I will put into my list.

How did you find the pictures of xyz in the web?

There are several search engines that can search for pictures. The best Ii found so far is actually Google. Also handy, but with less pictures in their catalogue is Tineye. A useful browser-addon is RevEye that combines 5 search engines.
More detailed:
Rightclick on a picture and click "copy URL". Go to google, click "images", click the small blue camera icon and copy the URL into the pop-up searchbar (ctrl + V). Click search.

You only want attention!

Yep, that is definitly possible :grinning:
Also, when I was relativly new at this site i had some problems with fakes. Since this site is completely unmoderated und we don´t have any rules for behaviour, the community has to take of all those idiots on their own.
thailock 12 years ago
Hi Betty

If you write to be a fake, you're not a real fake ... lol

Also I,use the translator,English is not my first language,
I need help,just like you, bye, Betty,... Luca:smile:
anrianri 12 years ago
ibraito 12 years ago
Hello and welCUM from Italy!!!
hollyhop 12 years ago
WelCUM from France!
Sabinchen 12 years ago
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