3. story

So I got for free for a month the new aprtment from my brothers friend. He was relly nice, flirty, always see him check on me. So after the 1st month he come over to discuss what will happen. Well he was really direct, he offered if he can visit me every week for some...fun, he hold the apartment for free. Ai was shocked a little at first the my brothers friend hit on me like that, but he said that is the exciting part of it. That my brother doesnt know he is fucking his siter for rent. Than he started laugh, talk even more dirtier and say heard about me already stories around the town. That… Read more

Posted by Eszter___ 1 year ago 2

2. Story

So after some paretns house staying I found a new apartment. A man rented it and it end up like he even offered me a job, for better money in an office as a secretary. So I had a new flat and a new job too. Everything was fine, I dated a lot (truuuly lot) and everything goes well, the job was good and easy too. And than there were a bussines trip with the management where they took me too. There were the final night where everybody go to a bar and have a lot of drink, talking, jokeing etc. And there one of the management member come to me drunk and told me they talked about me a lot during t… Read more

Posted by Eszter___ 1 year ago 1

1. Story

So lets start from last year summer. I had a boyfriend back that time, we were together for 1,5 year. We already lived together, at the end we had many arguments etc and one day we argue, shout, angry etc and he just left furiously, talk to me rude and harsh. I was fucked up and the neighbour knock over becasue he heard the door smasings, the shoutings, and just check on me what happened. And well i was angry and wanted revenge and I jsut hit on the guy...and we..start to do it, but his gf arrived home while he was over our place. So in the end she find out, told my bf...and we boke up, he thr… Read more

Posted by Eszter___ 1 year ago 2