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I am:
Thomas, 32 years old, male, heterosexual
Manchester, United Kingdom
Female, heterosexual
BA/BS (4 years college)
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No, but maybe want some
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178 cm (5 ft 10 in)
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About me

Some context...
32 years old, white British and English. Well-mannered, conversational and passionate, albeit usually reserved. I am interested in many things, though my love for Japan (or Nihon) has become very great indeed. I have always loved Asian ladies from a range of East Asian nations, though I would have to say Japanese won my heart. It is my dream to live and work in Japan, and to marry a Japanese woman.

I am from Northern England, and love many subjects, including historical and scientific fields, and my intention is to learn Japanese fully in the coming months and years ahead. Being Northern, I'm bearded and gruff, though I do look after myself as well and care about presentation. I am not a shallow or vacuous person, and love integrity and loyalty in others (a trait, sadly becoming ever rarer in women in my own land; as much as I truly do love England and Britain, things are sad here on that front) I have decided I considerably prefer Japanese women, anyway.

I want to be fluent in Japanese/Nihongo within my 30's. I'm looking for Japanese Women who like English and British gentlemen. I have invested in teaching materials and learning books, including dictionaries and grammar prints, to help understand forms of Japanese writing and language. I am making reasonably good progress, though lack someone to speak with, to help me hone my pronunciation of Japanese words. I intend to become advanced in this.

I'm still learning at an early stage, however, and sincerely hope to improve quickly with my passion. It was something I wanted to learn for many years, but never had the cause to with pressing concerns in other matters (including in my primary education, in a hard science and polymath field)

Nihon, my beloved...

My fascination with Japan/Nihon and all things Japanese, has blossomed since I was a young man, and although not as young as I used to be, my purest and greatest ambition is to be partnered with a Japanese woman. In my quest for this dream, I understand that perhaps relationships will be shorter than I hope for, or that maybe it will be okay to just have passionate encounters at times. I am also open to the idea of just having fun and seeing how things go.

Nevertheless, my great aspiration is to raise a family with a Japanese woman. I intend to live in Japan in the not too distant future, though this could be different altogether, if I happen to find a Japanese lady in the UK.

As the Japanese population of the UK is rather limited, and fewer still from said section of the population, will be viable options (with most Japanese women in the UK living in London, and myself not being from London, but Greater Manchester), I would have to say that I don't find it likely that this will happen for me here in my homeland of England.

I would very much like it to be the case that I find a Japanese beauty here, though if needs must I shall plan and prepare to live in Japan, should fate and fortune be with me in this regard. I am very serious about this goal, and prioritise it above all else in my life.

It is agony to know where your heart truly wishes to be, and yet feel so far away. In a curious way, Japan and Britain (or especially Japan and England) feel like kindred lands. As you may be able to tell, I'm a thoughtful person and think about all kinds of things.

My love for Japan/Nihon & the curious nature of Anglo-Japanese similarity

Japan/Nihon is often seen as the 'Britain of Asia', and for numerous compelling reasons. I love (most) of our shared history (in spite of a few unfortunate times, long ago) I see Britain and Japan as the 'Brackets of Eurasia'; the Western and Eastern opposites which attract. I love Japan with all my heart, though not via means which most Western men whom love Japan, sometimes do. I see Britain (as it ideally used to be) and Japan (as it still is) as the mirrors to each other. I love Japan so very much indeed. Our nations are still magnificent.

It is common for many Western men to be drawn to Japan, by a love for anime or hentai (or both), whereas my own reasons are quite simply a total love for Japanese women, Japanese female beauty and properly natural femininity, Japanese landscapes and Japanese history and culture. I'm aware Japanese food is also outstandingly excellent. I want to eat a lot ;)

Okay, I'll accept, that I also like some anime (mostly in passing) and have nothing against those whom are really into it. I just don't see that as my gateway into loving Japan. I've always loved Japan. Admittedly, my first love began with things like Dragon Ball Z, interestingly enough. But still. History, culture and love for women, are the main reasons for me. I know a great deal about World History and Archaeology. This is an admiration, for Japan, properly developed over many years, and I know what I am talking about.

I also love the character and integrity of the Japanese people. Brave, stoic and loving their mighty country, through the good times and the bad. They are worthy of immense respect (many other Asian lands have beautiful ladies, though may perhaps not command the same level of utter respect and admiration that Japan/Nihon does) Or, at least, that is my preferential bias towards Japan, which I honestly believe is a glorious place. Sadly I have never visited (yet) though I absolutely do desire to come and stay for as long as I possibly can (if you fine Japanese folk will be so kind to let me) One day, I will go to Nihon.

This is an Englishman whom appreciates the elegance and sophistication of modern Japan, yet also, it's nostalgic charm and traditional heritage. I love my own people and homeland too, please understand this, though I feel the masculine urge to find a Japanese lady whom would be the perfect match for me. In temperament and in character, in behaviour and in wisdom, I believe there are no finer women in this world, than in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Britain was called the land upon which 'the Sun Never Set', in the time of the British Empire. Those imperial days are gone, though technically, because of the fourteen British Overseas Territories, it is still technically true that some British affiliated timezone is in daylight, somewhere, in some timezone, even in 2025. In any case, it makes me smile to think of a man from the land upon whose pioneering strength the Sun never Set, being with a woman from the land of the Rising Sun. A poetic flourish or flight of fancy, perhaps, though it does make me wonder.

More cynically, I could just wax lyrical about how infinitely beautiful Japanese women are, though I have explained other examples for the sake of showing that it is not a shallow and cynical love. I love Japanese beauty standards and gracefulness in form, and I love the feeling of allied love I have for Japan. I know that England and Japan have been aware of each other since the time of William Adams and Tokugawa Ieyasu, over 400 years before the Present Day. It is all very fascinating. In modern parlance, it was 'real encountering real'.

Britain (mostly England) and Japan are both island nations, defiant against mainland adversaries for many centuries. And we've both been innovative, inspired and incredible in our achievements. I'd have to say we're a match made in Heaven, as warrior-peoples and lands of greatness. There is much to be celebrated in that, for what it is. I hope Britain and Japan remain close friends forever. Britain is declining, though I hope to remain the British gentleman I have always been. I will always treat women who deserve respect, with respect.

Japanese Female Beauty: Perfection incarnate

In explaining my fascination for and intrigue in Japanese women, I am conscious not to sound as though it is a cynical desire or shallow lust. This is not the case. I genuinely see myself bonding and partnering with a Japanese woman, long-term. This is my ultimate goal, though I am of course fine with the idea of experimenting and being open to ideas so to speak, at my still relatively young age of 32. I have never had a Japanese girlfriend, so maybe my first will not necessarily become my wife. However, that possibility is also incredibly tempting for me. Japanese women have an effortless allure and sexual power.

Many Western men travel to Japan, date Japanese women or frequent bars and clubs where they can find much pleasure with an array of the most beautiful women in the world. I cannot deny that this is highly alluring as a prospect, though again, I do not wish to be considered perverted or sex obsessed. I'm not prudish. I want to make love regularly. It is healthy. A man should make love with his woman.

Japan -- with all it's remarkably beautiful women -- looks like a wonderland to my eyes, full of the most remarkably attractive women on the planet. I'm often in awe, left speechless, seeing the deep brown eyes of Japanese women, and their fine, silky smooth skin, jet black hair and endlessly captivating bodies. 100% my favourite women anywhere in the world.

I love everything about Japanese girls, from their feminine eyes to their endearing smiles; from their sexy midriffs to their incredible backsides (oh my word do Japanese women have the asses l love) There is just, something about Japanese women that stands out as unique. And I know, that combined with high intelligence levels, politeness and sincerity as passionate lovers. It is important to make this dream come true, and I will always feel this way.

About other Asian women:
I am not saying that other Asian women aren't very sexy either. Chinese, Hong Konger, Taiwanese, South Korean, Thai, Laotian, Cambodian, Malaysian, Mongolian, Indonesian, Filipino and Vietnamese women can all be incredibly beautiful as well, my opinion. It is just that I am mostly attracted to Japanese women. It would be remiss and cognitively dissonant of me not to acknowledge the amazing beauty of other Asian girls. Of course you're sexy too. I appreciate all Asian women. It's just that Japanese women are always in my thoughts and desires.

The main reason I named my profile English4Japanese, is that it is simply correct that I am more interested in living and working in Japan, seeing my future there, not in other nations like Thailand or China. This is for a range of reasons, many of which, nothing to do with the beauty of the women. Naturally, Japanese history and Chinese history, for just one example, are heavily intertwined, for thousands of years (not all of that is exactly pleasant history, to put this mildly, though pretty much the exact same could be said about England and France)

I appreciate Chinese (and especially Hong Konger) women as well. As I say, this isn't exclusionary to other Asian women, however, I do realistically prefer Japan overall. This is absolutely nothing against other women. A range of factors overlap and tell me instinctively that my best option is to focus on Japanese women, as a British and English man. Once again, to reiterate, I do not mean to say I couldn't date other women from Asia. I hope the focus on Japanese women does not offend anyone. All the same, it is the most logical way.

Japan and Britain share many traits and characteristics, and although notably different in numerous ways as well, it is always going to be like this, with similarities and differences at the same time. There is a duality in this. I like it. I think that Japanese women and British men go well together. Ultimately, context specific situations matter the most. If I met a cute Chinese girl who had respect for the West and for Britain, maybe I'd date her. Probably not due to enormous problems with that in the 21st century, though maybe. I'm open to ideas.

Obviously there are ancient connections between Japan and China, or some ancient form of both. Without going too far down into the long grass of the archaeology and classical history, various groups in Japan did have origins in mainland East Asia, and particularly, ancient China. In a sense, on a grander scale of natural history, there isn't a huge amount time difference (though on a human scale, this is notable) Human cultures are new compared to the Mountains and the oceans, of course. Nature is far, far older than we are, as a part of it.

This isn't about politics, it is about the science and anthropology. It is also, simply to point out that Chinese and Japanese female beauty are both wonderful. I am very well-aware that the two countries do not get on at all (though this is simply pointing out how beautiful so many East Asian women are to my English eyes) I explain this, to demonstrate why it would be strange for a Westerner to completely ignore the beauty of other Asians, and I nearly titled my profile, 'English4Asians', though felt that this was too vague to be meaningful.

If I said, 'English4JapaneseChineseandOthers', that is simply too long. It's difficult to summarise all your interests in a title. Maybe 'English4Asians' would be sufficient but I just felt it was too clumsy and potentially demeaning. Which reminds me: this isn't about 'raceplay' for me. That's not what I'm into. I just like interracial romance and sex between White Men and Asian Women. It turns me on like nothing else in the world. I want to orgasm deep inside Asian pussy after great sex. It is so exciting to think about doing that.

Asian Woman White Man (AWWM) is really underrated in pornography and should be more common. There are apparently still some taboos in some countries, about Asian women having sex with White men, though at the same time, I hear and read that some Asian women really love White men. Whether that is always the case, I doubt strongly. Though, some ladies probably would be more interested in my demographic. I seek a lady in a streets, and a passionate lover in the sheets, if you catch my drift. The best of both worlds.

If this is even remotely the case, and you are an Asian woman, (especially if you're a Japanese woman), please give me a chance. It is not a fetishistic obsession, it is a sincere preference, and a straightforward and casual truth within my own desires, which I have reflected on endlessly for more than half my life so far. I love Japanese and other Asian women. I know who and what I like, and I want to have the freedom to express this openly.

Why I completely lost interest in all White women (including English women)

In the West, White men are increasingly under pressure to 'justify' every single thing they mildly have any interest in. There are a lot of political and sociological tactics being used against White men, and attempts to redefine us and ruin our masculinity in general. There is a lot of weirdness being directed towards White men by people within the West, often from spiteful White women whom have a racist obsession with men from foreign lands.

Many Western women are not just promiscuous, though also philosophically void of merit and intensely hostile towards males of their own ethnicity. I reject such women, whilst understanding that some White girls are not like this. Sadly, the damage has already been done, and I have lost a huge level of respect for a lot of women in the West. It's far too late.

Upsettingly, there is definitely a toxic dynamic in the West, whereby most men are being harassed and targeted for being men, and having their lives and natural masculine energies and emotions, suppressed and perverted by twisted political activists and anti-patriots. There is an outright war on White men in the West. Even pointing this out is now being hindered.

We're being made to feel like strangers in a strange land, in our own lands. Many White women are quick to glorify Black Men, obsessed with the most common forms of interracial pornography. There is a lot of insidious and frankly stomach turning racism against White men in the world today, being pushed on social media by fanatics of that phallic fetish.

With this in mind, it can be very difficult to find White English women who are actually reliable, trustworthy and not corrupted by this kind of hatred towards our own people. Besides the fact that I prefer Asian women many times over anyway, seeing Asian women as the peak of feminine beauty, with no competition whatsoever in that regard in my opinion, I just think it's the truth that a lot of Asian women were 'raised better' to have more respect for tradition, loyalty to their husbands and to have some respect for national pride.

Japanese women are typically magnificent examples of this, having a wonderful charm, and witty intellect about them, without all the glaring problems and red flags that Western women habitually drag around with them. Japanese women are also, far, far cleaner than most Western women, and care more for their own hygiene, appearance and let's just have it put plain, their own self-respect for themselves. Japanese women can be staggeringly sexy and smart in equal measure, whereas I tend to find English women can be very shallow and silly.

The bizarre stigma against White men from within the West, and unhappy marriages...

And there is a stigma against White English men, for example (and other White men) voicing their passion and preference for Asian women. There are racist caricatures of White men, being dirty perverts or sleazy old men, just for saying they prefer or simply like Japanese or other Asian women. I am 32, not an old man. I love Japanese women for totally logical and understandable reasons. There is zero contest in my opinion, when it comes to beauty; Japanese women and plenty of other Asian women are way out in front of the rest.

I've lost faith in most Western women to be reliable sexual and relationship partners, and this is because of the appalling manner in which countless spoilt, bratty, charmless and misandrist women conduct themselves in the West. I don't want to waste my life in a loveless relationship with a woman whom increasingly hates me, like a lot of White couples do in the West. It is a highly-common trope or feature of British society, for bitter old couples to be locked together in toxic relationships because they don't really love each other anymore.

That will NOT be my future. I will look for better options, in Asia, where the majority of women still 'rock' and are just so so much better on average, if you want a proper lover and loyal girlfriend. And no, I do not predicate this solely upon ethnicity, yet there are cultural reasons. As much as I celebrate the similarities between Britain (of old) and Japan, that form of Britain is nearly extinct, I have to admit. I would rather look for a partner in Japan/Nihon in future.

I've lost interest, practically entirely, in all White women. I remember when I was in my teen years and 20's, that I still liked White women in porn and still found them arousing, yet I don't actually want anything to do with White women any more. Not for me. They've been ruined by treating me and many other men like enemies. The feelings for them are now all gone.

I used to really like White women, and especially English women ('my own kind', as an English man) Yet most English girls actively turn me off or do nothing for me sexually anymore. To begin with beauty cannot be skin deep. For me, the soul has to be beautiful. Sadly, a lot of British (and American) women are rotten people on the inside, and lack dignity.

I'm not blaming every Western woman for this perception problem; I'm saying that a lot of Western women have collectively caused me to be totally put off them forever. I see no future with them, for myself (and although I find this potentially sad, I quickly get over that any time I look at the sheer majesty of Japanese women) I could hope for no better woman in the world.

Why bother with all the absolute misery and stress of arrogant and unpleasant White women, whom probably want to cheat anyway, when you could have a cute Japanese girlfriend who actually loves you back and is actually multiple times more attractive on the inside and outside? It's the most easy calculus in the world. I do not abandon my own kind lightly, I abandon them because they had already spiritually abandoned me. I was mistreated here. The injustice was against me, not the other way around. And I have made my choice.

I literally just don't feel anything for White women anymore. Their disloyalty and dirtiness has put me off forever. Even if I wanted to have a White gf (I don't and never will again), I can't now. It's gone. The love has gone. It's not my fault. It's just the way it is. My patience and concern for them has completely evaporated. I channel all my interest and passion into Japanese and other Asian women now. And I have always preferred Japanese girls. Always.

I'm not wasting my life waiting for the ultra rare exceptional, one in a million English or American girl (etc) to change my mind. Not worth it. They aren't Disney Princesses. Most white Women are completely average and plenty are rather outrageously rude and undignified in how they speak to men, or in how they treat potential partners.

It's common for many Western men today to be single long-term because of a genuine fear of Western women, because they are overly powerful and dangerous. A woman in the West can ruin lives with a capricious and completely random lie, and get away with it without consequence. The West has become a place where madness has been unleashed and where decadence is utterly out of control.

Physically, some English girls are amazing; although the vast majority will be kind of plain; but they are still likely going to be incredibly untrustworthy and promiscuous. There is also intense snobbery between social classes in the UK. It is an old problem.

On monogamy: a brief note...

Monogamy has become a dirty word in Britain in the 21st century, with cheating and disloyalty becoming prolific. I end up wondering, 'Where has this woman been?!', feeling disgusted by the potential for getting an STD/STI, concerned for my own health. A lot of Western women are completely gross. I am very loving to women whom earn my respect.

I seek monogamy with one girlfriend at a time. Hopefully, a wife, not just a girlfriend. That's considered 'weird' in 2025. Well, I have made my choice. Japanese girls are way better anyway. There are consequences, in being treated like rubbish by women from the UK; quite simply, that I lost interest and no longer find White women sexually arousing in the slightest way. Again, not blaming all White girls for this, but a lot are complete nightmares and selfish to a fault, with incredibly overbearing attitudes, expecting the world when giving nothing back.

Romantic relationships are a dynamic bond and a union of trust, between two adults with consent given to sexual and sensual activity. Monogamy is logical, for a stronger relationship.

Note: this does not mean that I don't want to experience sex with multiple different Japanese women. It's just that I'd do so, one at a time. I don't mind the idea of looking for one night stands or so on, to begin with. However, I'd prefer to work and live in Japan and find a Japanese girlfriend worth staying with permanently. I believe this is a healthier outcome and a dream life overall. It's really not just about sex. It's about love, more than lust, in truth.

To conclude this unintended essay and exploration of my desires...

I much prefer Asian women to White women. The aesthetics, behaviour, intelligence, intrigue and allure of Japanese women, for instance, shall always impress me the very most. This is my preference. I am tired of having to justify this to hypocrites whom do not care about me anyway. The truth of the matter is, Japanese women and other Asian women, are just, better. I want to make a family with a Japanese woman, or potentially another Asian woman, and to live my life in peace and harmony. That is the blissful dream I have for a brighter future.

I seek a woman whom I can be proud to take to restaurants and public events, and proud to be the mother to our family. I seek subtlety, intelligence and true femininity in a woman. I don't want a meek or timid wife. I want and need someone whom will be a great soulmate, yet be witty and wise enough to hold their own in debates. Intelligence levels in Asian women are typically higher than in White/Western women, and I find intelligence greatly attractive. Intelligence and knowledge, tempered by wisdom, and a respect for the natural world. I hope.

Examples of Japanese Female Beauty: [note: just what I'm able to find here on Xhamster, due to the newer policies of this site, which don't allow linking GIFs from elsewhere, sadly; not so easy to find some of my favourite Japanese Female Pornstars in the more limited selection of GIF images of Japanese Women here; I will decorate this profile a bit with what I can as per Xhamster rules about which pictures you can use here, from within Xhamster]
[above: Kana Sasaki; I really, really want to creampie Japanese pussy]
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NostalgiaRomance 2 months ago
to English4Japanese : Thank you! Wish you a Happy New Year, too! 
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English4Japanese Host 2 months ago
to NostalgiaRomance : Thanks, what a lovely sentiment. Hope you had a Happy New Year, stranger.
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NostalgiaRomance 2 months ago
Thanks a lot. I love your choices of favorites! Wonderful!
English4Japanese Host 2 months ago
to NostalgiaRomance : Thank you. You seem to have great taste in Japanese women as well.
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NostalgiaRomance 2 months ago
Great profile! 