When her libido supernova’d

Susan’s libido flashed out like a supernova. She was insatiable that night, sucking my cock and squeezing out and lapping up every dribble of precum. I came in a gusher into her mouth, and she swallowed my delicious load as if out of the deepest hunger. The incident was as thrilling and memorable as it was fleeting, for it was never to be repeated. We had sex less and less often thereafter, with less and less enthusiasm on her part.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Female weightlifters’ bulging boobs

Their leotards compact their breasts into tight, round bulges I want to stroke and squeeze and kiss. Some have waists and hips that fill me with desire. I want to stroke their bodies and hump their bottoms and press my cock against their perfectly outlined pussies. I want to kiss their taut crotches and blow hot air through the tightly stretched fabric covering them. And their thighs, so strong and solid, I would smell and lick and rub them with precum drooling from my hungry cock. My lust is provoked intolerably by female weightlifters’ sensational, solid bodies.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

My cock looks and feels great when it’s pudgy

It’s a thing of beauty, really. The head is a perfect bullet shape; the shaft is thick and loves being squeezed and pulled. It’s the next best thing to a hard-on. It’s the best I can do, and I make it get pudgy many times each day.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Noodle-bowl treat

I sat on the toilet and peed as much as I could, then stood up and finished peeing in a small container, which I emptied into my opened bowl of uncooked Ramen noodles. The seasoning packets went in next and the water to the fill line. It couldn’t have been more than a shot-glass worth of urine, but knowing the pee was there made my microwaved lunch an erotic pleasure. If I add more pee next time I may be able to taste it. Something to look forward to.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Woe is me

I am obsessed with pussy. When my wife had a libido and wanted me to lick her, I would first gaze at her moist pussy lips and then kiss them gently — like a sweet kiss on the mouth. Then I would kiss them more firmly, and swirl a little to get my lips glazed with her delicious juiciness. Finally, a passion-inflamed French kiss before lapping at her clit furiously, slowing every so often to wipe her whole pussy with my happy, hungry tongue. I would lick her for as long as it took for her cunt to get puffy and her abdomen to clench into a sustained isometric contraction and her thighs to tighten… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Slip sliding

I saw a photo of a hard cock comfortably resting between shaved and swollen labia majora. It reminded me of how I would slip out of Susan’s cunt and slide my cock back and forth in her labial crevice. It was an incomparably slippery nest for my rigidity. Back and forth I would slide from her clit to the entrance point of her pussy. I’d dip it back in for a few impassioned thrusts and then extract it for more slip-slidin’ away. Ultimately, back in I’d go to fuck Susan’s brains out until my cock was straining against the urge to gush, and then I’d swiftly pull out and shoot hot come into the pal… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

The road to dysfunction

When my cock was fully functional it would stay hard for many minutes after I rammed and squirted a balls-draining load in Susan’s gushing slot. I’d pull out and make my way to the bathroom with my cock bouncing up and down the entire trip. In the bathroom it would gradually shrink for peeing, its work done for the night. But, years later, my cock would begin softening while I was still in my wife’s precious cunt. I would lose my hard-on before it could spurt a drop of milky fluid. The end of erection was at hand.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

On caressing my glans

It feels so good, caressing my glans. I spend major portions of every day doing so through the fabric of my sweatpants. I frequently slip my hand inside to continue caressing the tip of my penis directly on the skin itself. I even pull my penis to increase the surface area and expand the target of my pleasure. My devotion to my penis is endless and enormous.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

A lock of Susan’s hair

I didn’t have a locket for my lock of Susan’s pretty hair. I kept it in my wallet wrapped in wax paper. It was a perfect curl, light brown and thick. I cut it from her pussy myself. My intimate relationship with Susan’s pussy allowed for such a privilege. I coveted that curl, asked for it, and was granted removal and ownership rights. I don’t recall, but I might have kissed her twat in gratitude for that incomparable gift. Years later I dispensed with my prize during a weak moment of concern for posterity.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

‘Do you like my new leotard?’

It was red with green stripes and had three-quarter sleeves and a deep V neck. Susan had a super-tight, super-sexy little body then. She was standing before me with a sassy smile on her face, and when I put my arms around her tidy waist, and she put hers around my neck, my cock grew hard at breakneck speed and had to be accommodated. I pulled it out and pushed her onto the bed and pulled aside her leotard and panties and pushed myself into her hot pussy. I plunged her passage repeatedly and came with the utmost force in a matter of mere seconds. Oh, man! I did indeed like her new leotard.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Our first fuck

We were sitting in my neighbor’s kitchen. Susan lit a cigarette, and as the smoke curled around her face I was thinking that I’d be fucking her in just a few hours’ time. She was dressed up for the wedding, Sandy’s wedding, which we were attending together. I’d agreed to go with her if she agreed to let me fuck her before she went home. It was a business arrangement, more or less. What a sweet proposition. What an appealing idea to have in my mind through the wedding itself and the reception. When, at last, we got back to my apartment and the blue satin dress came off and her adorable breasts… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago


She was a brat and a cocktease. She had a sexy low voice and waist-length chestnut hair. She stood in my kitchen stirring soup, her hair drooping fetchingly over one shoulder and I couldn’t believe my good fortune for having her in my life. She had just graduated high school and was working in a bank. Her dad was rich. He gave her a green Fiat 850 to drive. Because she was rebellious she moved in with me. When she knew I was wise to her cock teasing she gave in and let me fuck her. I ate her successfully and she loved it, and wanted it again and again. She did have a really sweet pussy. She wa… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

GAIA (Γαῖα)

My wife was standing before me, naked except for a nursing bra and a Kotex belt with a pad loaded. She had just had one of our babies, and had just finished being suckled, and her swollen breasts were leaking milk as she loaded her bra with nursing pads. Her bare feet with their painted nails always aroused me, and the sight of her dripping breasts and the thought of her still-draining pussy convinced me that she was the ultimate expression of womanhood, the Earth Mother, and I knew right then that I would never see anything like her again.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

‘On’ Debbie King (Debbie 2)

She was short and always disheveled. She had a perfect hourglass figure, though, with miraculous hips and a glorious ass, and she looked better in tight, faded jeans than anyone I’d ever seen. She could have been a great girlfriend. But I was, wrongfully, too particular then. She said she loved me. I fucked her just once. Shame on me.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Debbie’s legs

Debbie M had the most perfect legs imaginable. Thin ankles, beautiful calves and knees, superlative thighs. She wore miniskirts and pantyhose every day. It turns out that her older sister had the same great legs, and so did her mom. But I never saw them in pantyhose, and I was obsessed with Debbie. I worked long and (heh-heh) hard and got her to be my steady girlfriend. And I popped her cherry, and fucked her dozens of times. I loved watching her wiggle into her pantyhose. The image is embedded in my memory. But to this day I’m kicking myself for not having spent hours, days, weeks feeling and… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago


She was a sophomore, I was a senior. I loved her cute hair, her husky voice, her great legs, and her fantastic crotch. I wanted to finger her pussy, but that idea seemed wrong. Fingering a sophomore? No. But when she was a senior I fucked her on the ground one night in Maxwell Park, and again in the house I was renting across from the high school. And when she was a freshman at the University of Michigan I drove to Ann Arbor, brought her back to the house I was renting in Troy, and fucked her for the third and last time. She was always a wonderful fuck, and there was always love behind it, too… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago


Margaret got a job at my office, and I immediately couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was pretty and had silky brown hair and a set of big, round tits that made me tingle ‘down there.’ Before long I was lucky enough to be flirting with her, and then I flipped over her when she asked me to drive her home from a retirement party. We had a drink first, and she made her interest in me very, very clear. We kissed in her driveway, and she invited me into her parents’ house, and then we were on the couch in the family room, and everyone was in bed and I was licking Peggy’s wet cunt. She came to my ap… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago


She was a beautiful, classy brunette, with long hair and a great body. We went out on New Year’s Eve, a blind date. And she liked me enough to come back to my apartment and make out with me. The room was dark, and when she pulled off her panties, lo and behold, her pussy was bare. Back then girls weren’t shaving their pussies, but Cheryl’s was as bald as a peach. As always, I wish that I had eaten her, but it was many years before I would be the connoisseur I am today. I know Cheryl dropped in on me some time later. We didn’t fuck, alas.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

My first Susan was a big girl

She was the biggest girl I ever fucked. Climbing on top of her felt literally like climbing. And her large, wet cunt gripped my cock not at all. It was like fucking a cavern. But, it was dark, and I was able to focus my mind on the fact that I was in her and she was dripping wet. I wish I could have seen her slot. I would have kissed it and licked it. She wound up sticking with her then boyfriend, but it was a hard choice for her, and I appreciate that and the fact that she let my boner come in her. She was blond and quite pretty. My second Susan I would marry.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago

Carol did Kegels on my cock

She was reed thin but super-talented in bed. She would sit on my rod and move slowly up and down while rhythmically pinching my dick with her pussy. What a sensational sensation! We fucked many times, the first occurring when I hadn’t had sex for six months and her skill was a genuine bonanza. My wife excepted, Carol was the finest fuck of my life.… Read more

Posted by eeebeee 3 years ago