I had never been to Japan before but I had always wanted to go. I finally met my chance through my work. I'm a jewelry consultant that deals in international trade imports on jewelry from around the world but specialty had always been Europe and the Caribbean. Our company became aware of a new and growing line in Japan; my peers and I are stretched like jobs in most companies. A little bit about me, my name is Kim. I'm of Irish-Swedish background with blue-eye and light freckles and thick blonde hair. Being a representative Read more
The Train
It's almost too easy. Jonathan knows-- most girls don't dress like she does, almost like they're setting themselves up to be on To Catch A Predator-- and even if they do, most girls aren't nearly as attractive as her. The knee-high socks. The almost-impossibly-short plaid skirts that would need to have her bending over just barely for him to see all the way from here to Paris. The ride on the F train never lasts nearly long enough. She gets on before he does at Prospect-- perhaps at Church or Fort Hamilton, he's always Read more
I am the girl that you probably always noticed standing with all the rest waiting for the morning train. My fiery, copper mane allowing me to stand out in a crowd despite my introversion. I always avoided eye contact with everyone, but perhaps you once got a glimpse of my emerald pupils floating in a sea of white framed by sharp looking, black rimmed glasses. Perhaps for the past two months you have still noticed me standing, huddled with the rest of the women waiting for the train and our ladies only car, despite wearing l Read more