im going to be blunt im horny as fuck and im terrable at talking to people and such if your around my area hit me up men women gay straight pan whatever aslong as you know a place we can do it and your clean im game ill bring protection unless you want to but im usualy dominant and will be discreet thank you Read more
my sexual history
well i thought i would take this time to talk about my sexual history there's not much in my opinion been jacking for years i have had 4 girlfriends and 3 boyfriends and a few one night stands for there sake i will use there first initial as for girlfriends R- slim vegan learned my like for using whips and toys on people D- bbw learned i do enjoy some different fetishes ask for detailed E - larger build not bbw learned i like risky and public L - bbw learned to be dominant and take full control though needs some work also daddy kink as for boyfriends LE- scrawny submissive learned i have a Read more
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6 years ago