This is something that happened while I was studying in india. My neighbour was a hot aunty. I watched her everyday as she comes out taking a shower. She was dressed ofcourse. I always wait by the window in the evening just to watch her. She wears a saaree and I could see she has a huge ass and good breasts. One day I thoght I would make a move. So I decided to show her my big dick. My bed was facing directly to the window. So one evening I got naked. Jumped on the bed and started masturbating. She came out just as usual to put her towel on the balcony. She turned around she noticed me. Sh Read more
My frst Arab wife
This was few years ago when I was working in a reasort. An arab couple was there. Her husband drinks from time to time. Never saw his wifes face since she was wearing a nigab. One night I was near the bar and her husband was drinking and all cheerful. He passed out on to the table and his wife was kind of having trouble taking him to his room. I was watching her for few minutes before I went there to help. she had a huge ass, I noticed that much. So I came to her and asked her if she needed any help. She replied yes and told me she would pay me if I helped her. So we both took him to his r Read more
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11 years ago