Drop your links here and I'll make a top5 =D Only videos with YOU in it! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Read more
Tell me why your dick is special...
There are so many, amazing (and not amazing, haa) dicks on this website. Tell me why YOURS is so special? What distinguishes yours from the other? Read more
What would you do...[3]
...if the government would ban masturbation (they would put a device on the genitalia to check, world has gone MAD, haha). Masturbation means JAIL! GO! Read more
What would you do ...[2]
...if you were stuck on an island with me. But after 2 days, something magical happends; I suddenly have a penis! Wow, haha. GO! Read more
What would you do...
...if someone knocked on your door and it turns out to be me! GO! Read more