Question for my friends about reposting

Since I discovered it's possible to download the free movies now, I've been grabbing the longer ones and editing short sequences of just my favorite parts. You know how most of us are very specific in what we want to see, and I'm definitely one of those. Question is, do you think it's kosher to repost those edits to xHam? It's not much different to a compilation, it's just one scene rather than several; but I don't want to piss off the original posters, most of whom are friends on here. I was thinking to post a link to the original full-length piece, if it's still up, so people cou… Read more

Posted by danno336 9 years ago 7

Memories of boobs past. #1 - Auntie Muriel.

When I was a k**, I had a confusing array of Aunties and Uncles. Once I learned what the family connections were that made actual aunties and uncles, I was even more confused, because now I had about 20 of them that I KNEW weren't related. You can do some messed up shit to a k** at that age. Anyhow, one such non-family "Auntie" was my Auntie Muriel. I don't know how she came to be a member of our extended family, but she was, and when this happened, it had always been that way to me. When I was 8 years old, my Mum was having to spend a lot of time at the hospital with my Grandma, who was… Read more

Posted by danno336 10 years ago 7