You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hello! You both speak the same language. (Select "English" from the menu in the corner to disable.) Stranger is using Omegle's mobile Web site You: hey :) ich suche weiblichen rat :) Stranger: hey You: :) Stranger: wobei You: ich hatte gestern so ne komische situation You: ich stand bei nem drehkreuz vor ner öffentlichen toilette und vor mir ein mädchen so in meinem alter rum (18 geschätzt)... Stranger: welche denn :) You: beim bezahlen fiel ihr ein kondom aus der tasche Stranger: ok You: als sie so halb durch Read more
nice question :)
You're now watching two strangers discuss your question! Question to discuss: first sexual experience? Stranger 1: loved it Stranger 2: was cool Stranger 1: the feeling of my hyman being ripped Stranger 2: hyman? Stranger 1: by that big fat cock Stranger 2: lol Stranger 1: the skin in my pussy Stranger 2: hymen Stranger 1: typo Stranger 2: mine was pretty good Stranger 2: in an orgy Stranger 2: no problem :) Stranger 1: lie Stranger 2: true actually Stranger 2: but I only fucked one girl Stranger 2: me, 4 friends and 3 sluts Stranger 2: and Read more
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12 years ago