Big thanks to Pystol for the idea!! Sex: male/ female Age: How old were you when you started? Have you ever been caught?(who/when/where) Where is the weirdest place you have masturbated? How often do you masturbate? Have you ever given it up as a new years Resolution? -if yes, why?? What was your best/worst experience? Have you ever passed out in the middle of masturbating? -if yes, why?? What do you use to help you get going? porn/toys etc... Read more
truth or dare
Truth or Dare? So here's the deal...You get to ask me *Up to 5 Questions!!*, no matter how crazy, inappropriate, or just random, and I promise to answer it 100% truthfully (thats the "truth" part) I dare you to repost this and see what people ask you...... I will answer only if u send me a private message with the questions I always reply for truth or dare game, but if you want more, be original. Read more