Exposed Please
Lessons in being a good sissy from mrs. Kittensiss
Lessons in being a good sissy from mrs. Kittensissyy
remind you of my game
remind you of my game:… Read more
Game - Ask Me, continued
I am asking for the most personal and personal questions. Ask your questions in the comments section under the link below.… Read more
TeamViewer for all
Hello, I still want something more and I want to go one step further in my exhibition. so now i will share my private phone with people willing via TeamViewer. Please write priv, I can add from myself that there are my private sex photos and videos on it, and everyone can see and do whatever they want and I have no influence on it.… Read more
Ask me anything humiliation game
Hi, my name is CipciaOliwcia and I'm an exposed sissy webslut and I have a humiliation fetish. I'm posting this game to take my humiliation and exposure to the next level. So in this thread, you get to ask me any question no matter how humiliating or personal. I promise to never take this down so my humiliation is permanent and posted here for everyone to see. I have the right to refuse to answer a question, however, If I do I must answer the next 3 questions no matter what. I have a lot of information about myself on my profile already so make sure to check that out. Also, I have a post abo… Read more
Photos for the blackmailer
Dla zainteresowanych przejęciem pełnej kontroli nad moim żałosnym życiem proszę o przesłanie mi wiadomości. Jestem dziwką, która ulegnie szantażowi, chętnie podam hasło do galerii ze wszystkimi niezbędnymi informacjami do szantażu. For those interested in taking full control of my pathetic life, please send me a message. I am a whore who will succumb to blackmail, I will gladly provide the password to the gallery with all the necessary information for blackmail.… Read more
Become an internet whore.
You will become an Internet whore! You've made a terrible mistake in your life since you started posting your pics on a porn site. You pose for photos dressed in women's outfits. It was just fun for you. You've seen so many people do it, and you wanted to try it too. You wanted others to think you were a woman. You wanted them to rate you and comment on you. People like you don't think, don't know what the consequences may be. There are people on porn sites who hunt people like you and want to make you a world famous whore ... They download all your photos you post. Sometimes they add descri… Read more