Friendship sort-out

I've had a sort out of my friends list and deleted most of those I haven't had any contact with for several months or those I have never had any messages from, sorry but I'd rather have a few good ones than loads just for the sake of numbers. Love to all those on my list XX… Read more

Posted by chrissie28 10 years ago

Friendship requests

I'm not able to process friendship requests, anybody else having trouble?… Read more

Posted by chrissie28 10 years ago

No replies

Well guys and gurls, it appears that no one in my part of France knows of any clubs or meeting places. I did find a gay sauna and paid it a visit, quite interesting but better if I'd taken someone with me. My boyfriend is coming round to the idea of having full sex with me, can't wait, but would like someone else to be unfaithful with, preferably uncut, nice and big if possible. If you fancy a meet send me a message. XXX Chrissie… Read more

Posted by chrissie28 10 years ago

Limited Internet

Hi all my friends out there, love hearing from you but no invites for a date yet so what's wrong? I can accommodate or travel if you can put me up!! so to speak. Sorry if I have no vids on my profile but I have limited monthly internet access so unable to down/upload large amounts. Love you all XXX… Read more

Posted by chrissie28 11 years ago