Amour...mon tendre Amour...où te caches-tu? Mon coeur est débordant d'amour pour celui qui saura le faire vibrer. Le porno et la sexualité ne sont que de vains plaisirs furtifs s'ils ne sont accompagnés de tendresse et de passion. ...Le Romantique a parlé !! ? ? Read more
Love, sex, tenderness to give to a young man - 40
66-year-old man, athletic physique, filled with tenderness and love to give...looking to meet young man - 40 years old to share life, love, sex in common happiness .respect, tenderness, attention, guaranteed pleasure because of experience and a lot of sincere love to give...only looking for a beardless or shaved or shaved young man, a bit feline, tender and affectionate Read more
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2 years ago