lust or desire to be caught

i read many stories from us cock loving sissies, on how we desire to dress in lingerie and how intoxicating it is to be a slut. i have been caught out when i was starting to find my look, i have been wondering for a while now is it lust or desire to be seen dressed as we accept that we love make up, shoes, knickers, bras the whole nine yards. we wait to be alone but become such a slut that we dont even remember that we could be caught any moment. so which is it????… Read more

Posted by cavewoman 8 years ago 2

My Sissy Orentation Score

my results are:- Let's face it. You're a fag. You like sucking dick. You've fantasised about your mother and sister becuase you can't get any pussy of your own. You strut around with your 5 inch penis pretending to be a man but how could you be if you can't even satisfy a woman? You thought you kept it a secret for all those years without realising it but in truth, woman have a built i ability to separate fags from men. And you're a gay boy, through and through. if you wanna do it more

Posted by cavewoman 9 years ago 1

question time

Truth or Dare? So here's the deal...You get to ask me *Up to 5 Questions!!*, no matter how crazy, inappropriate, or just random, and I promise to answer it 100% truthfully (thats the "truth" part) I dare you to repost this and see what people ask you......please get in touch..xxxxx… Read more

Posted by cavewoman 9 years ago 7

crossdressing quiz

Hi, Please answer my crossdressing quiz questions and message me the answers! Thank you! (1) What is your favourite item of women's clothing (panties, bra etc)? (2) If you have borrowed clothes from women, whose have you borrowed (mom, sister, wife etc)? (3) If you buy clothes, where do you shop for them (supermarket, online etc)? (4) Has anyone ever seen you dressed? (5) How old were you when you first dressed? (6) Do you wear ever make up or shave your legs? (7) Do you enjoy straight porn? Here are my answers: 1- stocking,bra suspenders 2- mums lycra catsuit… Read more

Posted by cavewoman 9 years ago 20

becoming kate

guess should try and start at the beginning of fetish with women's clothes, as i grew up being the only male in he house hold i started seeing my sisters and my mums under wear alot. i started wearing knickers and bra, tights and stockings in my teens i loved the feel how i felt wearing them. i learnt to walk in high heels at night time i borrow my mums heels and go out walking and soon was a natural, i saved up for my own pair as slowly out grew my mum high heels. i soon was wearing less boys stuff as i went exploring my fetish to the point i wanted to suck and be fucked like a girl, th… Read more

Posted by cavewoman 9 years ago 10