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catorpillar, 28 years old, female, heterosexual
South Carolina, United States
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150 cm (4 ft 11 in)
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Younger girls have better personalities because they are less conditioned than older girls.
older girls become too bland and too boring. They become replicas of each other. They think that they know it all, which usually means they don't know shit but how to wear makeup and look like other girls. Younger girls are more creative, their personality shows through more than older women.

Younger girls have better personalities because they are less conditioned than older girls.
older girls become too bland and too boring. They become replicas of each other. They think that they know it all, which usually means they don't know shit but how to wear makeup and look like other girls. Younger girls are more creative, their personality shows through more than older women. Young girls are more spontaneous, they just act and do things, older girls are too worried about what their friends think or what boys think or what the media thinks, so they are basically boring as fuck compared to younger girls. older women have slowed down shitty attitudes. Younger girls are more positive and optimistic and wild eyed. This turns guys on more than the older girls with their pissy bitching and moaning. Guys are tired of the used up know it all whores.

So men, explain this to me.
1. The biggest turn on for men in a female is Innocence or can you admit that this is one turn on, right?
2. You are visual creatures. Meaning you get turned on by what you see with your eyes. Women are more turned on by their emotions and feelings. but we are focusing on you, so you are turned on by images and what you see, correct?
3. You men don't need a woman who has breast. I mean some of you may like this, but breasts are not necessary for you to be in a relationship with a woman, it is just a bonus, Correct?
4. The #1 searched and sought after porn is "Barely Legal" or "Young girls"
this is a study, this is correct but personally do you feel that this is a huge turn on for you?
5. Law for no explainable reason has determined that 16 or 18 is the minimum age that men must set aside their desires and they can absolutely NOT even THINK much less ACT on a female who is under 16......... Man made law in america has determined this, for no explanation. YET there are girls on THE VOICE or AMERICAN IDOL who are 13 years of age but LOOK, ACT, and THINK like a fully grown adult woman........America LOVES THIS girl because "She can sing good".........
6. A lot of money in america and the world is made from criminalizing and prosecuting "sex offenders".
7. little girls clothes are made like adult womens clothes and marketed to sell to all younger girls........
8. In nature, what is natural.........is that girls start their period maximum by age thirteen but you don't see anyone going up to an animal who is ovulating and telling it.....well you got to wait 2 more years before you can reproduce because its wrong........as the animal goes crazy those two years trying to figure out how to get pregnant. The boys, its okay....13 year old boys go through puberty and they are taught, okay go fuck any woman that you can, its cool. No one says ANYTHING about this..... Do you see how fucking backwards you are or do you know and don't care? Going back to kids going through puberty at young ages, In most america, THE FDA have allowed chemicals in food products that have made girls mature faster physically and so girls are NATURALLY developing breasts and having their periods (which is natures way of saying, I want to have sex and create a baby) as young as the ages of 8.......
9. But yet Men and Women (some women like younger girls) are taught by mainstream society that desiring a younger girl is WRONG. you are labeled this HORRIBLE most DEGRADING CONCEPT possible "". People Shun you. Blast you with name calling, not realizing their own sexual deviant perversions. You Can be Arrested. Beaten down in prison and ruined for this....... Do you see ANY contradictions with what I Listed as facts and the way that society treats this situation........
10. I have concluded that the majority of this Ridicule and Bigotry against men's natural or social conditioning attraction to younger girls (whatever age you think this is) Comes from OLDER WOMEN WHO ARE ENVIOUS...........
Tell a woman these things and she is APPALLED! but why?
Is it because she realizes that everything that Men desire is Something that she is not? Is she envious of younger girls who are more PURE than she is and she feels corrupted and used up? cheated? So she wants to ANNIHILATE this notion or idea or fact by completely trying to destroy this side of man's instinct.........
I mean a lot of men have suffered because of this shit......... Before anyone bashes me, really think about what I have written........

Are you mad at Me for bringing this up to the surface? I never said these were my thoughts or feelings but what I have noticed.....
Will you try to make ME your scapegoat and just call me names, not realizing the problem that I have presented as it continues to fuck up society....?
Are you mad at the powers that be who Market sex to younger girls? What about them, on television that SELL this idea......... The shows like Tiaras for Toddlers........a Glorified show of women selling their children as sex objects........ why not get mad at them and blame them?????

Are you mad at yourself for the choices that you have made to be unpure and tainted with other men, you can't get this back but you want to blame me for making you realize it???

Do you people ever think about things?
Or do you just criticize and judge and condemn others
call them names and witches, burn them, try to forget it exists
as the problem still is manifested in something or someone else?
My mind is blown at the level of stupidity by some of the shit that I see.

This isn't justification for anyone taking advantage of younger girls but even this notion I find odd......When men are at bars getting an adult woman drunk with alcohol aren't they trying to "take advantage of her too"? But this is okay?
To get a woman to the mental state of a child so the guy can "trick" her and the woman take no responsibility for her actions? But I am the bad guy for noticing this and bringing it up? I represent truth and you don't like it, so fuck me right?
Even though I am telling the world not to take advantage of females, let them decide who they like........

no one in the world pays attention to me, authority tries to keep you away from me explaining how life really works to others and this bad shit continues to happen.........

I am baffled at the condition of this place but no one wants to give me a chance to make it better......

I am not saying this is the correct way to view things but it is a start
I mean SHIT if I am wrong and my thinking is corrupted, can someone PLEASE fucking let me know and inform me.......debate this? But no one WILL........They just respond by throwing rocks and saying, "you are a stupid head" or try to get some authority to abuse me.....

This place is fucked up.
I mean I don't know how anymore basic that I can be with this particular issue which there are many more but yet Trump is in the white house and I am here on social media. Not to personally insult Trump, I am just saying that it is possible that Trump doesn't have all of the answers to life? I mean shit, can I say that?

EDIT : not to mention that it makes younger girls feel good when you appreciate them and admire them. No I am not telling anyone to molest them, you dipshits. I am saying it builds a good character in a little girl to acknowledge that she is attractive but the "powers that be" have determined that if you do this......and encourage a little girl to feel good about herself, you are a . dum dum dum! And people shit all over Michael Jackson, maybe he wasn't molesting kids, maybe he thought this way but knew if he tried to tell people, you'd all blast him, condemn him and try to ruin his name..... while the "powers that be" keep on actually molesting kids and telling the world and everyone else its wrong......I mean some of them are even BUYING children.......what the fuck
Seriously what the fuck.

no one better dare say, that I didn't try to make this a more rationale and better place... as the fuckery continues to go on.........

And let me reiterate this. because some people don't get it and seem to misinterpret what I tell them either intentionally or they are just ignorant of what I am trying to convey..............which is, this is not a justification for men or women or anyone to molest or abuse children. THAT IS WRONG. You do not molest or abuse a child. I hate that shit. I want to punish anyone who molests, confuses or abuses a child. But men and women do notice that children are special and beautiful and encouraging this idea in younger girls make them feel more appreciated in life. But men want to take this to the extreme and try and pervert it, as with all sin, which is willful ignorance....

Also women who are older in age, you are not worthless. I happen to like older more "mature" women. There is an attraction in a woman that she plays with every age that she becomes, know this.

some comedian will steal this from me or some movie writer and make money and be celebrated because of it..... I mean the priorities of people in this world are fucked.
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dayzzombus 3 years ago
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dayzzombus 3 years ago
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dayzzombus 3 years ago
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grim150 6 years ago
Yes all your pics make me hard.
Thank you very much for your invitation.

My name is Minami from japanese school girl
I like drinking much male semen
The number of people which made ejaculate in Blowjob,Handjob
294 People(It's being written on a pocket diary)

Please share my videos and pictures
CoupleinTexas 7 years ago
Well if you were aiming to stand out from the rest you certainly do so with your profile and description of yourself.  You are all over the place.  One day I'd love to discuss how you came about your observations.  :wink:
yogioso 7 years ago
Excellent pics !!!
Jasko15 7 years ago
Nice profile!
formicophilia 7 years ago
Kids, this is what's known as a "troll account", moving on....
chernabog13 7 years ago
Sure, nothing wrong with that. Unless she cheats on you and then yeah. . .
Sure why not?
chernabog13 7 years ago
to catorpillar : I agree with you. Check your PM's for more.
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cocklover1991 7 years ago
viper0721 7 years ago
I agree with you
Kreidlerboy 7 years ago
Thanks for the add
catorpillar Host 7 years ago
to chernabog13 : good what do you think of my about me section
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chernabog13 7 years ago
How you doin tonight Peanut?
seemeeeeee 7 years ago
Welcome x
kieradoll 7 years ago
thanks for add
dimadrinking 7 years ago
Young girls are the best! Even better at sex. They want to learn and get better.
I Realy agree with all that you sayed in your profile
Thanks for accepting, would like to chat it up sometime
Swedemale66 7 years ago
Your pics do make me hard. Nice ones.
ragman805 7 years ago
Come to Myrtle Beach!
joeobo298 7 years ago
Thanks for the add. Hope to see more.
coorsman 7 years ago
Thanks for the add, sexy pics!!
boomer616g 7 years ago
Welcome back
love2stim 7 years ago
Thanks for the friendship Catorpillar Kisses
mnr59 8 years ago
ure lovely, i wish u all the best, and a continuouse line of good guys!
SIay 8 years ago
You are adorable! Will you consider sending me a friend request?:smile:
therook321 8 years ago
Total babe!