It was time to get ready, as it might be tonight. I start with with a complete cleansing enema, as i have to be clean inside and out. Then it is into the shower, washing every where from my toes, to the top of my head, and then shaving to make me smooth all over. Once out of the shower i have to put my dreaded cock cage on. The one with the nubs on the inside so that erections are painful and locked in place with the key put in that special place. Next the rather uncomfortable long butt plug must go in the 8 inch long sheath with bumps or built in balls all the way up.. It is always hard for m Read more
A meeting, an interview, with a male dom
I remember this fondly and it still arouses me. It was back in the late 90's i had answered and ad from an older male dom. It was probably on yahoo. Anyways to get on with it i arrived at his house in a west end community not far from my office which in itself was a bonus. I was nervous but partially aroused in anticipation. We had not chatted about what was to happen he just found out what i liked that he liked. This was not gonna be a multi hour meeting as i did have to get back to work. Anyways there i was ringing his door bell. I looked around as i waited. It was a nice house but i could Read more