Well if your readng this you must be willing to help. So Thanks. I am looking for a certain type of website. I would like to find a site were I can find videos of true amatuers teen or mid 20's crossdressers,traps,transsexuals Have searched most of the sites and haven't found what I am looking for. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also if anyone runs acrossed any video's that involve girls talking about there true feelings about a family member.. please drop me a link before the great people here delete it. Read more
It's been awhile
hey all, The last few weeks have been extremely bad for me.Not that this is the best place to vent. but it's better then nothing...At first I thought that I would find a few people to chat to on here,And I have,But I don't know if it's me or what. but they all turn out to be crazy.So I'm gonna stick to watching the great porn that I have become to enjoy.If your reading this and you find that you would like to have a good nature conversation.( doesn't have to be sexual)Leave me a message and I will get back to you.Just be (REAL) with me as I will be with you.I would love to find Read more
continued thoughts
I continue to look for that one video that make me totally explode,I know theres someone out there that has it or is willing to make it.We all can learn from are pasts.So enjoy the memories and make new ones everyday. Read more
Just my thoughts.
I'm sitting here thinking of what I find interesting.I have watched thousands of video's.Which doesn't say alot about me..lol.If your a honest person either male or female,And have a wildside,Then we may have alot in common.Theres not alot I wouldn't chat about,But theres also alot I wouldn't actually do.I won't go into details,But if you would like to chat.( I find exchanging fantasies just as much as a turn on as watching video's)Send me a Friend request and a short message of why you think we could be friends . Read more