Part 3 Continuing story from Bath Time THE TAPE. We fell asleep naked in each other's arms. We made love to each other, love.... not fucking, but love. We woke up hours later, with Liz waking me up with her lips wrapped around my hardening cock. Then Liz in what can only be described as post nut bliss, unloaded secrets. First finding out my sister BFF has a crush on me, while my sister and Lucy had a lesbian experience as they found a sex tape of my parents, with our aunt and uncle years ago. We slept late with the clock reading 1:24pm, but we were on Summer break at the time. We continue.. Read more
Bath Time pt2
Liz and I laying on my bed in bliss. Our first sexual experience. My sister who I always thought was annoying and a pain, but I cared for her and looked out for her whenever possible. Her and I witnessed our parents having sex a hour ago. Something about see our mother begging for his cock in her pussy. My dad pounding her pussy hard. Her eyes rolling back and yelling I'm cumming, made my dick extremely hard. It had gotten stiff before but never had it been fully erect like this. My dad pounding her pussy. My sister then joining me to watch. She and I aroused watching their bodies being used i Read more
Bath Time.
Growing up my s-s and I would take baths together before bed time. She is a yr younger, so it didn't come off as weird. Our mom would dry as off and send us too our room and tell to get dress. We lived in a 2 bedroom house and shared a room, which shared a wall next to our parents room. We would dry off and be naked while putting on our sleep wear. Her in cotton panties and a night shirt which had a care bear one the front. The shrit went down to her knees. I would put on Hanes briefs and a tee. So being naked was no big deal and saw nothing wrong especially since with our mom would wear panti Read more